Chapter 25

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Tris POV

    None of this should be happening. I should be doing this by myself, for some reason it feels like a big risk having Tobias here with me. I don't want anything to happen to him, he means too much to me. I follow Tobias, I'm actually surprised he knows where he's going. I just hope he doesn't have another outburst, David is not the man to mess with. We get right outside David's office and there is a woman sitting at his desk. Thankfully not Nita, but someone younger... she looks like she's about 14. Tobias ignores her and starts walking in, "Do you have an appointment with David?" The young girl speaks out, too quiet for my taste.

    "No we don't have an appointment, but I'm sure David won't mind." Tobias barks back, he starts walking forward when the young girl says, "No appointment, no David. Simple as that." She says this more confident, more enforcing. "If you would like I could call David and see if he's willing to see you guys?" She says in a polite tone, Tobias and I look at each other in a confused look. How can someone go back and forth from being quiet to being enforcing and then back to polite. We nod and take a seat, not the entrance we thought we were going to make. Once the assistant sets the phone down she looks up at us, "He'll see you in a few moments.... Oh my.... Are you.... Tris Prior?" I sigh and nod my head, "Yes that would be me... are your name?"

    She sits up in excitement, "My name is Abeni, and I just started working here a few days ago. You've been a big topic lately." I chuckle then I realize Tobias is standing up, "What do you mean she's been a big topic lately, tell me." He orders, Abeni is about to talk but all I hear is "Tris! Back so soon!" I quickly stand and grab Tobias' hand, not just because I'm scared but because I know Tobias wants to hurt David. I hold his hand tight as I realize his breathing has quicken. "David." I say in a flat tone, we start walking into his office. Here we go again.

    "Tris, please take a seat. I didn't expect you to come back so quickly." David politely asks. Tobias pulls me close to him, "She wouldn't be here if you didn't send Bruno to steal her back for you." David turns to Tobias and raises his eyebrow, "We didn't have Bruno do anything, that was his own choice. I can be an understanding man Tobias, believe it or not." He sits behind his desk and looks at me, "I was really hoping you would stay with Bruno, Tobias is a little too out of control." Tobias starts moving forward and I place my hand on his chest, "If all you are going to do is attack my relationship, I'm not staying here a moment longer David. We're here to talk about the Bureau so let's just get this over with so I don't have to be here any longer."

    He pouts, "You didn't miss any of us Tris? We've certainly missed you, the work you've done for us from working for improvement here at the Bureau to helping us the test with finding out more about being Divergent." Tobias interrupts, "What do you mean? Helping you find out about being Divergent? What tests?" David looks at me, "I guess you haven't told him everything have you?" I get tense, I didn't want to talk about it now. "David, the Bureau. I'm here on a business matter and this is very unprofessional."

    David chuckles, "Sorry, we are getting off track here." Tobias starts talking but David continues, "I would like to give you the choice Tris, you can stay here or continue your hard work or you can go back to Chicago, start from scratch."


A/N; Dedicated to @fandom4546 who the new character Abeni is based off of! I have a few ideas for your character so don't worry!

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