Chapter 33

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Tobias POV

I look over at Tris, "Did you invite someone over?" I can't help but get excited because that means she's finally starting to see people again. She shakes her head, "I thought it was you who was expecting someone." We hear another knock and she gets up, I stop her and get up "No I'll get it, just wait here." She nods and looks back at the view, I sigh and start walking towards the door. It's probably Johanna wanting to talk to Tris, I smile because it really means a lot to me that Johanna is willing to help us. This is going to be good for us, it will help us mend. We mend each other. I open the door and my mood changes instantly.

Tris POV

I look out at Chicago again, it's so easy to get lost in it all. So much has changed, so many people have moved here, so many people are gone. I shake the thought away, Tobias is here so that's what matters. Thinking of Tobias, where is he? That's when I hear, "Is Tris here?" That voice, it's familiar. ELENA! I get up and run to the living room to find Amar, Elena and Bruno at my door. I run into Elena's arms, we hug each other as if we've been away for years. "Tris! I missed you so much!" I can't hide my excitement, a huge smile displays on my face. "I missed you too, you have no idea!" I look at Amar and Bruno, "Come in guys! Come in!" Elena and I walk over to the couch and start talking.

"So this is where you live, the famous love nest of Four and Tris!" She says as I roll my eyes, "Shut up Elena! We are still trying to figure everything out, it's been complicated since I've been back..." We look over at Tobias who is already talking to Amar, not even paying attention to our conversation. Elena gasps, "Uh oh, Trouble in paradise!" I playfully push her, "I do love him though, that didn't change." She sneaks a peak at Tobias, "He loves you too, I can tell. Just by the way he looks at you, so don't worry Tris. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to. I smile and hug her again, "It's so good to see you again, someone had to be busy when I was over there... or when Amar and Bruno decided to visit me..."

All of a sudden Bruno appears, "You guys are standing right by the couch and aren't even sitting down on it, can someone else name the problem?" We laugh and I hug him, even though he annoys me I still do miss my friend. "Guess we got caught up in the moment we just started talking right away, would you like to sit on the couch?" I raise my eyebrow as I wait for his response, "Tempting... tempting... but I prefer to stand." I smile, "Exactly, we also prefer to stand so it all works out!" Elena chimes in, "Before Bruno decided to interrupt, I've been busy because since you left I've been doing YOUR job!"

That catches me off guard, "Wait they put you in charge?" She nods happily, "Yes and let me tell you, I am so sorry for all those nights we stayed up late because your job is so busy and tiring... but there is some good news!" I get excited, "What's the good news!" She smiles, "If you decided to come back YOU could have the job back!" She smirks at me and I look over at Tobias, " would have to think about that. I belong here in Chicago." She frowns, "You could work at the Bureau and then live here in Chicago, they said they were going to make an official road connected it instead of the gravel road. So you get the best of both worlds, being with your best friends and then coming home to number lover boy!"

I roll my eyes, "It's been a few weeks and you still haven't changed!" She laughs as Bruno groans, "I came over here to have a normal conversation and you guys are stuck on girl talk!" Elena and I roll our eyes, "Again haven't seen each other in forever! Give us some time here Bruno!" She says as we all start laughing. Gosh, I missed them all so much.


A/N; Sorry I didn't update last week! I was busy with SpringFest for my college! Hope you all enjoy the chapter!


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