Chapter 35

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Tris POV

    I walk over towards the door with Amar and lean against the wall, watching Tobias because he went to go stand by Elena and Bruno. Hopefully they don't start a fight again, I wish they could be civil around each other. "So what did you want to talk about Tris?" I look over at Amar and then back at Tobias, "Why are you guys here?" When I look back at him he's frowning, "What did I say?" He touches his heart, "Can't come visit my friend without her thinking I want something? Is our company not enough?" He is being as dramatic as he can be so I laugh, "I missed you guys too, a lot more than what I thought I would. Chicago is very different."

    He nods, "I can tell, you look better though. How have things been between you and Four?" I sigh, "Complicated, there's a lot of different feelings with me coming back. They are upset because I didn't come back since I was alive... thinking it was my fault..." He raises his eyebrow, "They?" I'm now confused. "What do you mean they?" He shakes his head, "You said they Tris... who are they?" Oh, I must have said the wrong word... now he knows. I shrug, "My best friend and brother aren't happy either, they are a little upset." He raises his eyebrow, "Weren't they happy when you came back?" I nod, "Yeah but then they had time to think about it and they weren't happy I didn't tell them I was alive."

    He hugs me and looks me in the eye, "Come back to the Bureau, please. We can work something out so you can stay here. Everyone misses you, we miss you. I know you want to stay here with Four but at the same time you need to make yourself happy." I nod and shrug, "I'll think about it later, I just don't want to be away from him anymore. I have to be able to see them and live here, because that's what I want.... But I do miss you guys too. I miss my job, all the things I used to do, everything." He looks over at everyone and back at me, he leans towards me and whispers, "Tris, I say this with all due respect. But I do believe you want to be with Four, I know that for a fact, but with you wanting to stay in Chicago... I think you're just trying to get back what Chicago used to be for you. Tris Chicago is very different, I just want you to really know that." He leans back and I feel a sharp pain in my heart, it's me realizing he's right.

Tobias POV

    "So you're the guy Tris would never shut up about..." Elena looks at me, I can't help but feel like she's judging me. I never had a real conversation with her or Bruno so I guess this is normal. I nod, "In the flesh... and you're the friend that she missed a lot." She nods, "In the flesh, we got a lot closer in the Bureau when she was there." I nod and we all just look at each other, not knowing what to say. I can't stand that I'm close to Bruno, but at the same time I know I have to keep it peaceful.

    "How was Tris in the Bureau? She never really talks about it and I'm getting curious about it." Elena beams up with excitement, "At first it was very hard for her... actually I never think she did get over it. It was always hard for her but she learned how to mask it. Anyway then came her work, she was so good at it. She was working with us to help GD equality, and she was so passionate about it. Working long hours, going to all the meetings, going out in the community, anything she could do she would." I look at both of them, "Are you both pure?" They nod at the same time and look at each other, "I guess Tris was some sort of miracle, so when she started the GD equality work everyone payed attention. Done a lot of good for the Bureau." I look over at Tris, picturing how hard she was working, how passionate she was. So many emotions overtake me.


A/N; STORY RECOMMENDATIONS! If you have written anything and would like me to read it, comment the name below and I would LOVE to take a look at it! Or if anyone ever needs help with their stories I'll also be glad to help!


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