Chapter 15

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Tris POV

    I watch him take in everything I just said, I just pray that he truly realizes that I had no say in this. That I'm hurting from this too. I know this won't be the last of this kind of talk, but I just hope we can work on this. I make him look at me and I wipe his eyes, "Please don't cry anymore Tobias... please." He touches my hand and looks down, "It's just so hard Tris..."

    I nod and make him look at me, "What do you want to do? As much as it kills me... if it's too hard for me to be here with you... I'll leave." Tears start pouring out just at the thought of it... it would be impossible to leave him again but if it makes him better I'll do it.

    He grabs my arm, "Oh god... please no Tris. Don't leave again. Please don't leave me." I make him let go of my arms, "Tobias if it makes you better I'll do it. I know you don't want me to leave but I see the pain in your eyes of me being here." He shakes his head, "I need you Tris.... Please...."

    "Then what do you want to do then? I can't put you through more pain.... I just can't....." All of a sudden he pulls me to him and kisses me. All the pain and hurt dissolve and is replaced with passion. I wrap my arms around him and let the last year and a half fade away. Our kisses are getting more heated, more passionate. We break away for air and he looks me dead in the eye, "Please just don't leave me again Tris." I nod and rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Tobias POV

    I can't let her go, as much as she hurt me... I can't let her go. I just got her back, no way in the world she's leaving my side. As she was talking, all I could think about was how much pain I was in... all the suffering I went through. Then it all hit me, she suffered just as much as I did. Yes she knew more information but she suffered like me. I know she wants to work this out just as much as I do, it's going to take time but I love her so much that I can't let her go.

    We sit up there for hours, no one saying anything just us and the view. I think about everything me and her have been through, how even though right now we're going through a rough patch I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Why? Because she's alive and by my side, she wants to make this work as much as I do and that's what matters to me. I love her, and that feeling never changed or faded. After hearing her talk I know it's the same for her too. Everything is still fresh but I know with time we can move forward together. I love her too much to just stop everything and leave her, I just can't do that.

    I look over at her and see her looking out into the world, I wonder what is going through her mind. All I can think about is how lucky I am to have her in my life, after all this time of being in pain, I can finally feel myself at peace. I can breathe easier and relax knowing she's by my side.


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