Chapter 27

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Tris POV

We arrive back at the apartment and it's still pretty quiet, I figured since I came back everything would be normal. Tobias sits down on the couch and stares at the wall. I stand in the kitchen, putting together a lunch for us. I keep glancing back at him, hoping he would move or show some type of emotion on his face... he doesn't. I bring over the sandwiches and chips and place them in front of him, I even added a slice of his favorite Dauntless cake. Nothing.

I start eating my sandwich and when I look back at him I see his eyes are closed. I don't think he's sleeping, he's probably deep in thought. I push the cake place closer to him and he doesn't react, I figured the smell would set him off in a cake frenzy. I finish my food and look over at him, he's in the same position. It's been over an hour since we've come home and he hasn't said one word to me. I'm starting to get worried, is he upset that I chose to come back? I stick my finger in the cake icing and then wipe some on his cheek. He opens his eyes and looks at me, I can't help but start laughing.

He touches his cheek and sees the icing and then he looks down and sees the food in front of him. "What did you do that for?" He asks while I keep laughing. "Had to make sure you were still in there or if you drifted off to the unknown, didn't even realize the Dauntless cake in front of you!" He gasps, "What has the world come to?" He starts laughing with me as he takes a bite of the cake, "Now wait, you have to eat your food first, desert later!" He sticks out his tongue and takes another bite, I scoot closer and playfully push the cake away from him, "Food first Tobias!" He starts reaching for the cake and I push his hand, "Is this a game you want to play?"

He smirks, "Capture the cake? Old Dauntless game, who will become victorious?" He starts moving forward towards the cake and I tackle him playfully, we both fall to the floor as he tries getting up I pull him back to me. He does deserve the cake but since he made it a game I can't let him have it now. As I'm pulling him back I start moving forward towards it, reaching my hand to grab it before he does. I'm able to touch the icing but that's when Tobias pulls me back again. I wipe the icing on his lips, giving him a little happiness. He quickly eats it and smiles, then the idea pops inside my head. I have to create a distraction to win the game.

We wrestle for a little while, one of us gets close to the cake but soon enough the other one pulls the person back. I keep looking around, trying to think of something to distract Tobias for a few seconds so I can win. "I'm going to throw the cake Tobias!" I say as I'm getting closer to the cake, I look back and see fear in his eyes, "TRIS NOOO!!! Not the cake!!!" I grab the remote on the table and throw it towards the other couch, I see Tobias watching the remote thinking it's the cake and I quickly grab the cake on the table by my hands and start eating it.

He looks back at me and his eyes go wide, "LIAR!!!!" He comes up to me and I turn around laughing, "Don't you remember? I may not have been Candor but I did test for Erudite so I was able to think about it!" He tries getting the cake but I start running away, eating it. "TRIS.... GIVE ME SOME CAKE..... PLEASE!!!!" I turn around and he stops in front of me, "You know I love that cake!" I take another bite but then right as I do it Tobias moves my hand and next thing I know the cake is on the floor.

"Why did you do that?" I ask, I look up at him and he starts getting teary eyed, "My...... my baby.... My cake.... Wasted on the floor." He produces a couple of fake tears and gets on the floor, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he yells as I roll my eyes, "Nice dramatic touch Tobias." He looks up at me, "Is it bad I kind of want to still eat it?" I start laughing, "Yes it is, and yes I am totally judging you for that!" He laughs and gets up, pulling me into his arms, "I could still have cake though..." He says with a smirk, I nod "There is still some on the counter, so don't worry, Legendary Four will still get his cake." He shakes his head, "I'll have that cake later, I'll have something else first." The distance between us is quickly closed as he kisses me, sweet and passionate.


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