Chapter 23

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Tris POV

    I wake up, I'm all alone in this room. I try to remember what just happened, but all I can remember is standing on the deck, thinking about life... thinking about me and Tobias. Where we were going to end up, what we were going to do. Wait... Tobias? I sit up, looking around because I realize this isn't Tobias' house... this is the Bureau. "TOBIAS..... TOBIAS.... WHERE ARE YOU?" I jump out of the bed I'm in and run over to the door, "TOBIAS I'M HERE, I'M HERE TOBIAS!" I'm on the verge of tears, I can't believe I'm gone again.

    I start pounding harder and harder on the door, "LET ME OUT OF HERE NOW... I'M NOT STAYING HERE!" I keep doing that for another five minutes when I realize that it isn't going to change anything so I decide to just sit down on the bed, waiting. I sit there with my arms crossed, I can't waste my energy. Did they finally decide to just take me back, what did they do with the people in Chicago? Am I ever going to be able to go back there or am I a prisoner forever?

    I start to hear the door open and I stand up, ready to face whatever comes my way. Bruno. It's Bruno. I feel anger course my blood, how could he do this to me? I fight the urge to run up to him and hit him to escape, "What are you doing Bruno? Why am I here?" He starts walking towards me, "I just needed you here Tris... Nothing bad is going to happen so don't get hostile." Anger continues to course through my blood, "HOSTILE? YOU DON'T WANT ME TO GET HOSTILE?!?! YOU ATTACKED ME TO BRING ME HERE!" I feel pain cross his face, "They..... they weren't supposed to hurt you..."

    Bruno quickly leaves the room and a few moments later all I could hear was him yelling, the door muffled everything so I couldn't understand then Bruno comes back to the room out of breath. "Sorry about that, are you okay?" I sigh, Bruno does care about me... I think. I nod as I sit back down on the bed, "You didn't have to kidnap me to bring me here, I would have came at my own free will." He looks down, "They were just supposed to calmly bring you here so we could talk... and David too but I mostly just wanted to see how you are. Whenever I'm around you, Four is always there. When Four is there, he always wants to fight me."

    I scoff, "And do you think when he finds out about this he's not going to want to fight you again?" He looks down, "As long as I get to talk to you, it's worth it." I roll my eyes, "Bruno stop doing that, stop." He looks back up and I see jealousy in his eyes, "You guys aren't even together, we were going to be together. I don't see the big deal!" That makes me angry, "Mind your business Bruno, Tobias and I share a bond that neither one of us can describe. Yeah, we're having issues but that's between me and him. Not for you to decide that we need to have a talk whenever you please."

    He's about to speak when we hear pounding on the door followed by muffled yells, more and more pounding on the door. I get up and get ready to fight, what happens if it's David coming to get me. "Tris get behind me." Bruno says while stepping in front of me, I roll my eyes and step beside him. "I can handle myself, I'm not going to stand helpless if someone is going to attack." Bruno looks at me and smiles, "That's my girl." I roll my eyes and look back at the door, seeing it's going to give out. I look around the room to see if I can use anything as a weapon, my best bet would be to break the bed so I can use it as a weapon.

    The door falls down and then I see Tobias and Amar. I felt the urge to smile but that is quickly faded once I see Tobias' face, which is full of anger. There is a moment of silence like a withheld breath. Then the shouting begins.


A/N; See what I did there in the end 😏
Happy Saint Patrick's Day & I'M SEEING ALLEGIANT TOMORROW!!!! FINALLY!!!!


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