Living at the boerdinghouse

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I rolled over I felt a heavy wieght on my bed I opens my eyes good morning sunshine I heard I looked at Damon I pulled the covers over my head he pulled them back he looked at me in the eyes I met his gaze he was playing with my hair

I almost feel asleep he new my weakness by heart i fell asleep Like this for 5 minutes until, Damon said "Riley wake up we don't want you to miss your first day of school now do we noooo I dont want to go to school well tge story is that your my little sis and your going to school with st.Stefan"

"fine " i smashed my hands together like a g6 came on I twiste my had a little and I blasted the volume I saw Damon danceing I laughed and walked into the bathroom I grabbe my hair brush my hair was dirrty blond it stop a little bit under my upperchest it had every color of the rainbow but with black and pink i felt some one grab my hand Damon pulled me into my room and started to dance to moves like Jagger I laughed at the scene of Damon dancing ."Damon I haves to get ready for school"

I said laughing then shack that came on by Eminem I had to walk away It was awkward I walked into my walking closet I closed my door and locked it so damon would walk in I threw on a pair of skinny jeans that had wholes every u can think of I threw in a black tanktop and a dark green shirt that was ripped every where and hanged I put on my black boots that came up to my knee an my Bennie I walked out to find Damon laying on my bed reading my j14 magazine.

"who new that Justin bieber and s gomaz where dating "

"I knew "I said walking down stairs "good morning "

I turned around to the familiar voice "well good morning to You to Stefan " I poored a cup of coffe and way to much cream I always got yelled about that I sat in the chair with my leggs hanging of the arm of the chair" what time do have to leave?"

I asked "7:15 that's way to early I could be sleeping right now dreaming about Lammas " yep she is such a crazy witch"

I got up out of my chair I put my cup down and I looked at Damon I crossed my arms I was leaning on my right leg I twisted my hand and bam Damon's coffee went up in the air and came down on him he was drenched from head to two I tried to hid my smile but I failed "now you know not call me a crazy witch!"

" your so going to regret this"

he gave me a smirk I was still smiling until he gave me I'm going to kill you "look at the time it's 7:15 !"I grabbed my bag and stefans arm come on Stefan where going to be late for school " "what are u talking about it's only 7:00!"

o well I heard him laughed I hoped in his car it was a half Fay since it wa the first day I went to the grill to avoid Damon I walked in an sat at the bar I order a chicken sandwich I heard someone come in I looke to make shur it wasn't Damon it was way worse it was katherin I made sure she didn't see me I walked out the door casualy when I set foot I ran for my life when I walked in Damon grabbed my by foot put me infron of him "I told u that u wher going to regret this" he stated with his famous cheeky grin

" Damon Katherine is back!"

he almost dropped me I used the air to catch o ya I'm a witch I can control the weather and elements "there's no way she back she's died!" he said quietly "apparently not." I said

"no he's right she died" . "Well then who is it then?"

I asked her name would be nice you know ya what she said her name is elena Gilbert. Gilbert I popes the t.

Living at the boerdinghouseWhere stories live. Discover now