keep humming

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lexie danced out of the room and headed to ellies damon sweeped me up. with ur love replayed he put me down,he swayed me from back and fourth i let him go and walked in the bathroom my hair was so mush blonder my eyes where like damons now,well before i turned the way they looked like to me i bradded my hair into picktails. i sang to the song i cleaned up the bathroom.he turned on thinking of you  dance with me he said i walked past him he pulled my me into him this song always made me cry i put  my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. the song was over as soon as it started.damon lifted me up i looked down at him we layed on the bed i quickly fell asleep on damons chest i turned off the ipodhome with a swish of my hand damon brushed his hand aginst my cheak and kissed me. i just smiled i felt  him brush his thumb aginst the scar on my cheack bone from what katherine did to me.i hissed what was that he said it burned when you tuched it o sorry its okay i closed my eyes again he hummed i squeezed his lips closed he kept on huming i looked at him he smiled i kissed him i pulled back he kept on humming. i hoped out and shked my hair so it would fall right i headed down stairs stefan i called ellie,nothing lexie nothing i walked into the kitchen went to london they left me jagoffs i said i poored a cup of cofee. i heard a knock on the door god damet i cant  hour i opend the door what i said. i tooma sip of my coffee uhhhh its you what you want john well im here to get the invetion from pearel dosnt ring a bell im not stupide well you kinda are sence you just knocked on a vampires door with  4 vampires and a new b that would be me. i took another sip of my coffee well then if you hear from her let me know he was going to say somthing i closed the door before he could. damon walked down stairs without A shirt on only wearing his black jeanes who was that john what did he want well he wants to know where peral is did you tell him nothing i took another sip looking up and down at his body,danm he gets hotter and hotter every day,if you want to see me namked all you have to do is ask belive me i already have he laughed and smiled i walked in the kitchen. i poored more coffee damon walked be hind me i was calling pereal to warn her.hey pearl it me john came over hes looking for you he wants something call the invention i though you would like to now. damon kissed my neck i bit my tong cause it tickeld so bad thank you she said uhmm i have to let you go i call you later i tried so hard to hide the laughs. okay she said i hung up i burst out laughing he tickeld my sides he kept on kissing my neck. i laughed so hard i fell to the ground crying he went to go tickel me again. i got up and ran out the door i had my shoes on thank good i ran through the woods he chased me i turned my head i saw him coming for me i duck he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it off i ran. to the pther direction i hid in the leaves of the tree i heard my phone going off in my back pocket i pulled it out i turned down the volume. damon jumped in the tree he put his phone back in his back pocket he walked up to me he picked me up and pushed me against the tree trunk. i pushed him back i feel to the ground. there was some girl she staried at me damon jumped down next to me who are you he asked well lets just say youll figure it out sooner or later.then she dissaperd that was weierd' he said i poked him how about we play a little game' like what uhmmm how about the scoring game he smiled what are the rules. i walked up to him i stand on his feet no rules at all. he smiled you got a 5 secound start i ran and stoped i looked behind me the wind blew my hair around i knew he got a sniff i knew i got a snif of him he smiled he ran to me i took off.

damons p.o.v i chased riley all over the woods i caught her sent she headed to the house i walked in the house i could here her heart thumping,her amazing sent that drove me nutts, her hard breathing she was in are room i slowed down my past 1,2 riley i opend  my door there she was laying on are bed half naked only wearing a silk bra with a red bow in the middle. i took in the curves of her tan skin  so i said walking to her.what do i owe this pleasure?. this she sat up and kissed me,i felt the pain in my jaw even though shes  a vampire shes still a witch so shes still has human blood here and the there. she flipped me over i waited for the pain to start again i opend my eyes she wasnt there she was linging against the door throughing on a loos sweatshirt that showed a shoulder. danm 1 to 0 to ms.riley i smiled. she twirled danm tht girl is good.

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