only you

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your good at this lets see if you can do this he pulled her out to the door he can to control the weather he mad it rain like crazy thunder lighting i helped out a little he smiled at me then reficuse on ellie. he had her in  a head lock she turned and faced him she slid trhough his hold and backed away smiling your going to have to work harder then tha. he smiled  fine then.  he said, he  ran and pushed her down to the ground he had her in a lock that i hadent seen in a while she strugeld to get out of it, she stoped. he let her go and got up she walked over to us ill get back ya. my turn" i said  lets see what you got  little girl, i could feel the excitment off of him. im not that little you know. well see about that, now dont forget who taught this to you, he wiped his leg i jumped in the air and landed on my feet i brushed my fingers on my leather jacket lets see about this i did a slow kick flip and slaped him in the face with my heal i knew he didnt feel it, sence he was a vampire. owch?' he said i smiled, he got infront of my face i could feel the anger come  off of damon i looked at him he had his hand on his chin reasting on his other arm, i pushed him back and slaped him, in the face he pocked me in the stomach ouch i said, that hurt you ass well thats for the heal. i laughed  he slaped me in  the head like he used to when i was little i slapped him back he laughed damon girl you need to be declawed i looked at my nails he swung his  lag i fell to the ground i was soacked in water now. i got back  up fine then i said you win. i stuck my toung out at him he did it back at me. we  had a silly face contest i laughed so hard i almost went in my pants.  o okay you win i ranon the trmpaling ellie ran with me. i jumped in the air and did a back flip i ran to kevin and pulled him on the trampling he jumped higher then me. he jumped and made silly faces all the time. bow i yelled he looked at me yea shes here how but shes, dead" i said i juped down she ran up to kevin and licked to death. how bonnie i said i pointed to her, im hungry i said rubbing my stomach, we sat at the dinner table kevin sat infront of me next to ellie i waved mynhand and all of a suden a wrom was on his stake he flinched when he saw it. he played a trick on ellies. a spider was on hers now really "she  said she picked it up and put it out side. fine then he said.  damon put his hand on my leg and ran it up my thigh i droped my fork. my bad elena gave me a wierd look i nodded my head at damon she picked it up. kevin kicked me in the chin ow?  i said  he just smiled,  i heard ellies phone go off. she pulled ot out she had a huge smile on her face who is it. i asked taking a bite of my saled no one thats a lie" i said i know that smile from eay where " stefan said  sam i said she just looked in bareced.  so who this sam" kevin asked i have a shot gun in my trunk . i smiled are you two dating "lexie asked im not say she said putting her phone back in her pocket. ill get it out of you some how" she said .  after dinner i showed kevin his room it was 3 doors down from mine. i layed down on the bed. so  whens the big day  he asked o uhmmm i dont know yet, i saw mom kevin, what he asked  yea i died like two times ill tell you later , what she say well   that she loves us both and that we need to stick together, i layed next to me. i miss them i know i said, well im getting tierd he said a long day you know ellie looks alot like damon but got your attitude i know right. i kissed him on the cheak and walked out the door night kevin night riley. i walked down stairs i sat on the couch i watched pirates of the cariben. when damon picked me up ans swung me over his shoulder i put a bubble around us so that no one could her us he laid me down on the bed i took off  my cloths and through on my pjs he laid next to me. i got up and sat on his lap damon when do you want to get married well i think like in desmber fine december it is he bent doen so i was on my back and he was still sitting he kissed me i cant wait to be just yours and always yours, he smiled i bent his head down im yours i whisperd in his ear. he smiled,. i woke up in the morning drom my alram going off, to wake up ellie, i tried to get my way out of damons strong grip. damon i have to wake her up he just groweld. he kissed my shoulder. he wouldnt let me go shes going to be later het her be no i said. i turned my body so i was looking at him. he was still asleep , i kissed him. he growned  i bit his lip he let go of me in shock hahah i said i walked in ellies room hunny come on you have to get up, fine she said, i walkd down the staris. kevin was in the kitchen eating everything in sight hey thats mine and everyones food well im hungry, you know how us witched eat 24\7 thats for sure i said looking at him, he took a donut of the carten i snatched it out of his hand and ate it hey that was my donute  to bad he had a cup of coffee in his hand. i sneched it and goulped  the rest down, ellie walked down the steps you know when i was pregent with her i ate choclet cake all day long. i littrly wiped out damons bank acount he laughed.  mom do i have to go to school yes i said, im like so tierd though, kevin splashed the whole cup of coffee on her face she was pissed off he smiled there you should be awake now, your dead she said she snappe happen she sanapped her fingers, and the coffee and everything that happen he ran for his life stefan walked down the  stairs in secounds what was that all about well it was kevin made ellie pisssed off. he laughed ive been down that road, he walked up to me what was that kiss all about what do you mean when you where a gohst that was a good bye kiss thats all if you say so stefan you know i love you  as a older sister hey he said, but damons my ture love i know i just wanted to make you noyed i smaked him, see you later he said, damon wscooted his way in the kitchen dragging his feet foward morning sleepy head i was holding my cup of coffee. he leaned on me he put his arms around me he was only wearing his fuzzy black pj pants  my cup of coffee spilled all over my cloths he put his head on my shoulder.

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