falling on the floor

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i walked backwards i knew there was a opening area an i was heading towards it why wont you kiss me i didnt answer him he kept on asking me i felt the edge of the dock i looked down it wasnt that far but it was i was whereing a neon yellow biekeny. dont you even dare try me i leaned back damon grabbed my hands it was already to late i feel in the water with him i swam around a little i was to fast for him. he grabbed my foot and pulled me he kissed me i pushed him away and swam to the lader i ran through the house of cores i fell on my butt ellie laughed so hard she fell out of her seat at the tabel i got up and walked around owah. that hurt so bad stupide floor damon walked in the house dripping wet o shit i said i ran through the house he was infront of me in the door way to are room i ran the other direction he was in front of me again. where do you think your going hmmmm let me think that way i ran to the room rran thriugh the other door that led to stefan and elenas room. hey elena pulled the cover over her sorry i ran towards stefan and kissed him on the cheak morning damon ran after me i ran to the kitchen and hid behind lexie shhh im hidding from damon damon walked up to lexie where is she i dont know why im looking for her and she right behind you no shes not yes she is i can smell her. i ran to the living room he grabbed me and through me over his shoulder. he walked in are room and locked the door and windows. he put me down he walked up to me and pocked me in the stomach i pocked him back we srtarted to have a poking fight he pocked me in the but owah that hurt i barrly even touched you i know i fell on the floor well your smart he picked me up damon where going to be late for dinner lets be later he kissed me fine only five minuetes i heard a growel come from him when he said that. he kisseed me i felt his sharp fangs go through my flesh i graspped his shirt owah it hurt for some reasone it never really did i was used to it. did i hurt you uhm yea that really hurt im sorry he said he licked the wound i flinched he rubbed his thumb where i still had the scare from katherine it burned when he touched it i know it wa a long time but it still burns once in a while.

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