Last day in Hawaii

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I floated on my back in the water I pushed air down Lexie was laying next to me all the girls where so I put air around them it was so clear you can see the bottom the boys where haveing canaball contest so far Jermey was winning I sucked in air and winked to the bottom I had gogels in now I put air so I could breath around me I layed down in my back I saw fish sharks that don't bite stingrays and even sea turtels I grabbed lexies hand a pulled her down am put air around her it was so beautiful we layed done here for 40 minutes I went back up to the surface everyone was in the dock eating o hey there you guys ate I hough you got eaten by a shark you wish Stefan. I climes up to the dock I put on whight coer up that bowed my belly is was weaved I put on my shorts and took a pice of pizza and sat on the wood talking wig Lexie like a sadle okay let's see who can the pizza fast raft fo I was dine in 4 bites what ever you have a big mouth anyways. I slapped her she slapped me back I grabbed her hands she grabbed mine we lost are valence and fell in the water screaming everyone eles was laughing at use I ran up the steps I lyre down in the floor i got up an streatched I saw some guy cheaking me out and elena and Lexie I saw jeloucy in Stefan and damon's facess hey beautifuls come down here sorry we have boyfriends so he said no o come on no fine then I walked into the house i was now dry and tierd i layed in my bed it was the last day here it was now 7 i put on a summer dress it was black with whight under neath I sat down we where having hawaii good yummy I said I sat between Stefan and damon like usual okay I have a quastion for you Riley shut okay why did you fall for Damon now and not back them well caroline that's a good quastion I don't

know why we didn't backthen I remeber it was September 11 2001 I was jn the tower where the plain crashed and Damon shower up he jumpe out the window and saved my life. Then couple years later I saw him in holywood I walked right past him I knew it was bum I just pretended that I didn't see vim and of courts he grabbed my hand a pulled me in I gave him my number I wa everywhere around the world so was I he said and then this year I got a phone call from Stefan saying that je was going back to misticfalls so I went with him and of courts Damon showed up a week later I hadn't seen him in 27 years and when u did see bum again I fell hard after and while aww that's so sweet Caroline said. After dinner I walked in the room I put on some shorty short and a tanktop I walked in te bathroom I cleaned my my face and brushed my teeth and hair I put in a ponytail I walked in the room Damon grabbed my foot and held me up side sown infront if him Damon what are you doing o nothing put me down now no he tickeld the crap out of me he put me back down in my feet he grabbed me he out my lag around his and leaned in close and kissed me.

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