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So what did you get him? Remeber 1989 ya when us three got dogtags ya well I got him one to put with the rest. he will live it he said I hope so I looked over at him he gave me his quastionly look. You have been really romantic lately hey I'm in Love and i can't help it he's my soul mate Like you and Elena ya I guess so . I popped the bubble an went threw the frezzer I grabbed a Popsicle it tasted Luke apples I sat in the bar stool next to Damon. I put in of my head phones in and on and on came on Damon pulled on to his lap. Lexie took my seat what you up to Lexie I said nothing what are you up to she said scarcasticly nothing I said Lexie took my other head phone fergiluces was on me and her got ip and started to do the dance that we learned by fergie we startedto so the dance Stefan and Damon where watching us dance I'll be up In the gym working on my fitnes. Me and Lexie Sanged thus was me and hers favorite sing of all time we laughed at damon's reactions Caroline Walked in I grabbed her and taught her the dance she joined so did Elena and Bonnie all the boys where watching I laughed. We fell to the floor when the dance was over imma be came in this was me and stefans song of all time I grabbed his hand and started to do the dance that we came up with Elena was so shocked that he danced he three me up in the air then caught me I laughed I saw damon get jelouse he had the smirk in when he had a way to get back at me I stuck my tong at him Stefan took my hand a spinned me around the room and did moves that me him and Damon new looks like damon's jeouse he said in my ear I unpuged my iPod and sat on the couch I heard the heard the timer go off what did you make chocklet cake home made Damon said yummy I said I jumped off the couch and walled over towards the cake I loved cake expecialy Home made I iced it and used air to cool it down I sliced the first piece Damon was on the couch I poored a cup of milk and sat in his lap I flipped threw the channels eclipse was on Damon took a huge chunk and ate ut hey go get your own I said. I looked back at the tv I saw him in rhe corner of my eye trying to steel a piece I slapped his hand playfully with out looking he tryed again I just slapped him again he tried a third I slapped him but this time he slapped me again everyone elese was somewhere in the house I slapped him back I ate the last chunk and finished my milk I put the plat in the sink I sat back on damon's lap I saw in the corner of my eye he was staring at my neck nope I said you dint even know what I was going to say really said I looked at him smileing I looked back the tv je was still stareing no I said please come on please he said nope fine then all of a suden he pickede up by the shoulders so my head wa in his shoulder no this is my favorite part he threw me over his shoulder damon put me down I said laughing no can do Damon. he walked out side it was snowing still snowing.

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