wow wasnt expecting that

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damon was trying to wake me up he kept on shaking me. no stop it damon i dont want to go to school im a mother who has to get her daughter to school exacly he said i rolled over and stretched my arms and legs cant you get her up no i already tryed she put my hair on fire i can see that i was brushing the hair in the back of his head. fine i hoped out of bed and walked into ellies room ellie you have to get up its your first day of school fine she said stretching she walked in her bathroom and brushed her hair i walked down stairs stefan was up you going to school to yep aww the good old days i miss nit going to school and see tyler drool over me. whqat damon said walking past me nothing i said sipping my coffe, hey can you take ellie to school please im like so tierd ya sure why not if shes going to pull a prank on me like let me get a flate o come on uncel stefan you love it when i play trucks on you. i sure do lets go okay i threw ellie a bagel with strawberry creamcheese . yummy she said she ate it in like 3 bites and you eat just like your father. i heard lexis sterio going she was licening to  lighst  i was singing to it while i was dancing to her room. so whatcha want to do today well im going to new york to go shopping will you like to go shut up. no i wont shut uo yes i will love to go let me go get dress. i threw on a ripped up t shirt and one of my school huddies and a pair of skinnys with my brown boots and beanie. where you going to new york with lex ill be back in a while i walked out the door what no good bye kiss i walked back in a gave him a kiss  he was expecting a diffrent kiss ill call you. i closed the door we arived in new york in like 3 hours lexi was a fast driver she was speading she compelled every cope that pulled her over. i had a at least 30 bags all together how are we going to fit all of these bags ill make them fit i said a spell they where now tiny bags. o crap we have to get ellie iwalked out of the car lexi came with me i saw boys eyeing her boys shes way to old for you thats for sure she said . ellie walked out the door hey mom hey ready yep i walked into my room damon was in the shower i dropped the bags and walked out the room, ellie you have any home work yea i do its math o im teribel at math thats all stefan what ca you help me at this yea i will sence your mother is teribel at it.  i know smiling damon walked down stairs his hair was all a mess so how was your first day of school it was okay mr. tragger wants me to tell you he said tragger whos that i have no clue she said looking down at her home work. alaric is comeing over damon said. aww is that why you took a shower so you will look nice for your date no he said.  hes close i can sence him i said . i undid the spell a soon as he was close to the boarder line hey alaric i said yelling from the other side of the house done she said can i go say hi to alaric plaeas fine she ran over towards him hi alaric hey kido whatcha up to alric im not five im 12. sorry then i walked in whats up i have news on katherine what it about well she had a baby in 1400. wait what yep aww alric damon said nice to see you what you up to nothing. i was saing she had a baby it was a girl so her father gave it away. wow that is intresting  yes it is.

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