2. Where To Go

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Kathryn’s POV

I know where I’m currently at. It’s not that far from mine and Austin’s flat. I’m going back there. You might think that’s crazy, but I have to go back, to at least get my stuff.

I stepped on the flat, smart enough to wear shoes before entering completely. The whole room looks like a mess, many terrifying memories were made in this room. Memories I wish to forget and some I wish to keep forever.

I pause every little while to listen for any living, breathing, drunken man anywhere. Austin could still be here.

The coast was clear, I quickly grabbed a duffel bag from the drawers and started putting clothes in it. I don’t know how many pairs of clothes, I just bring as many as I can –and fast-, I don’t know where I’m going so it’s better if I’m prepared.

I didn’t pack everything, just the things I need to survive and those that’ll fit in the bag. And money, I should never forget to bring money. I zipped up my bag and headed for the door until I stopped in my tracks. My heart freezes on the spot though my heart was thumping against my chest –it was almost coming out of it-, I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. I was so scared. It was Austin coming here.

He was a bit tipsy, wait scratch that, so tipsy. He couldn’t walk in a straight line. The horrid aura surrounding him was terrifying yet breathtaking. Who knew someone like him possessed a kind of anger inside of him and he let that out, by using me. His soft spot taken over by his inner rage. I focused on him, his icy, cold blue eyes somehow started to haunt me in my dreams. Feeling his every move, I think of an escape.

My mind was almost burning out, thinking really hard –more than Math- to plan my escape and I finally had it. He was in the bathroom now and the front door leading to my victory was open. I stood up slowly and as quiet as ever, careful not to make any noise or vibration. I tiptoed to the door slowly yet at the same time quickly, who knows how long he’ll be in there.

When I was finally in the middle of the room –took me long enough-, I hear a flush of the toilet. Great timing. My mind was going crazy I’ve never felt more alarmed by a toilet flush ever in my life! I now run to the door, not caring if my shoes hit shattered glass.

“Hey!” His loud scream came echoing in the room and even reaching outside, making my chest stop. He sensed me, how could he do that? I was out the room, but I’m not out of the woods yet. I need to make a run for it now. I ran down the emergency stairs –they did call it emergency for reasons- and went quicker just as I heard his footsteps hot on my trail. I looked back and saw his shadow which made me scared stiff though I have to move fast.

I arrived at the lobby, my ticket to freedom is almost there, just a few more steps.

I was out then hid under a trash bin when he was out as well, sweat dripping on his sculpted face as his chest was rising and falling as quick as mine, his eyes searching for a blond Kathryn but he couldn’t because of the darkness of the sky past midnight.

He looked exhausted, hurt, and helpless if you looked past his strong frame, he needed help. I know he went bonkers and it’s about his past, but if he’ll let himself do this, I couldn’t help him no more, he needs to help himself first. I have done enough for him and I’ve been hurting doing it, physically and emotionally. He told me he has gotten over his problem –finally-, starting over in London and stopped drinking. But he has done it again, but this time he’s all on his own.

I see him as I breathe a deep sigh then gave up and stepped back in a wave of relief rushed through me. I was finally free. I couldn’t be any happier.

But I feel a hint of regret when I finally left him, I have to remind myself that I love him too, I wasn’t only here because I felt the need that he needs all the help he could get, I’ve learned to love him too, and he loved me back. But I had to do this, I can’t force myself every time to be with him, even if it’s already killing me. I’ve done it before but it’s over now.

But my problem now is, where am I heading? Where am I staying? It’s Monday the next day and I have school. If you’re asking, yes I still have to go to school.

Still, I have nowhere to go. I have no family to runto. I did consider Austin’s family my family too, but Austin’s father is just like him, so no. Also, I have only limited money, renting would be a waste of all my money all at once and I need that for food and other things. But I have to be as far away as possible, if Austin knows I’m still near, he’ll haunt me down.

I walk through the dark and empty streets –realizing I was very far from where I was before-, only my way being lit up by the street lights as I think of a way to live when I finally got hell I called a boyfriend. I need –at least- a place to sleep. I’m over exhausted and I need a rest, I look like a mess –though I haven’t looked at myself in the mirror, I already know it- and my body was still aching even after I’m out of the hospital and my one arm is no use now.

My eyes saw a bench in the front yard of somebody’s house. My first thought is rest. I decided to put my luggage down and I lay my head on it, to close my eyes even for a second was a miracle. I decided I’d spend the night on that bench.

He looked exhausted, hurt, and helpless if you looked past his strong frame, he needed help. I know he went bonkers and it’s about his past, but if he’ll let himself do this, I couldn’t help him no more, he needs to help himself first. I have done enough for him and I’ve been hurting doing it, physically and emotionally. He told me he has gotten over his problem –finally-, starting over in London and stopped drinking. But he has done it again, but this time he’s all on his own.

I see him as I breathe a deep sigh then gave up and stepped back in a wave of relief rushed through me. I was finally free.

I was still hidden behind the trash bins and for another second in my life, my heart stopped as the piercing blue eyes met mine. I froze though I hid lower behind the trash bins. He already saw me, there was no use in hiding now. I could sense his presence and alcohol-scented perfume growing stronger. I prayed to God this wasn’t really happening, but damn, it all felt so real, and I realized now, I was about to die.

I peeked once more as I saw his eyes never left my location and me, I struggled to hold his gaze. He ran faster and faster as I hoped for the best. This isn’t really happening, I encourage myself though I’m unsure of my words.

I got myself prepared for anything hurdling towards me by now. And BOOM!


Author's Note:

Update on Monday as promised! Cliffhanger? What do you think? Be a fan, vote, and comment! Come on! Show me some love!

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