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     Niall & Harry

Niall and Harry (or Narry as I’d like to call it),

First of all I love you so much, don’t get offended if you two got one letter, okay? It’s just as special as the notes I’ve sent the others. So, here it goes.

You both have been my strength and I wish I could spend more time with you, because you both were just balls of sunshine, oozing with happiness and I wish you could rub just a sprinkle of that to me, I’d be thankful. I want to be as carefree as Niall and as caring like Harry at the same time. This letter is about to take up the whole paper, I should’ve set the font size of this one, so I’m gonna say this.

I’m definitely going to miss you both. To bits.

PS: I hope you find the perfect girls for you, they’re going to be extra lucky.


Dearest Liam Payne,

First of all, thank you for letting me stay in your flat, it’s been my home and I can never thank you enough for your generous move of letting me stay there.

I’m not going to rant from the beginning to say that you’re like a brother to me and I love you and blah, blah, blah, you already know that, so I’m going to get right to the point.

I’m so sorry I left you like this, unprepared, but that’s how life mainly goes, the thing is to move to that change, because if you don’t move in rhythm with the waves, you’re lost.

I can’t just leave you without anything to give. I don’t know what else, but when I looked at this girl, I sort of knew she’s right for you. I wouldn’t know what you think of her but I hope you’ll give it a try. If you don’t, it’s alright. She’s Danielle. She’s lovely and you know it. I’d love to see you happy, especially with her. You look cute together, honestly.

Don’t let me down.


Louis Tomlinson,

Wow, I’d hate to see you cry right now. So don’t, okay? Not only would it break my heart, but it’ll also break everyone else’s, you smile is something special, you know that? So before anything else, you might be wondering what’s in my mind right now. You’re fabulous, haha.

What do you think of Eleanor, because I think she’s just lovely. Lovely for you I say. I’m hooking you up with Eleanor, straight to the point. She’s just as fabulous, thoughts might collide between you two but I just think you’re perfect for each other. I don’t know why I thought that, it’s just fangirl-like of me to do that. You’d think she’s pretty cool too, you’ve talked to her a few times. It’s impossible not to give her a second glance, even for a girl.

Don’t be sad when I’m gone, Eleanor and the group will be there with you and it’ll feel like I’m not even there.


It breaks me to write you this, but here you go. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry but damn, I’m already crying a river and I’ve barely even started. I don’t know where to go with this or where to end it but first of all, I will always love you, you know that right?

Those memories you gave me, I’ll never forget it. I’m never leaving your side nor would I be leaving everyone else’s sides in this little group we’ve made and developed. After this “death” of mine, please don’t lose contact with each other, tell them this. It makes me happy to see you all in a group, caring for each other as much as I care for all of you. And don’t be sad when I leave, okay? I leave that to you.

One last thing. Same with Louis and Liam, I’m hooking you up with Perrie. I don’t know why but you two look good together. It’s funny, I love you but I’m giving you away. That’s the thing. I cannot be there with you anymore, and maybe you’ll need another female to care and love you the way I did, maybe even better. Give it a try and don’t let me down, okay?

You will always remain in my heart forever.

     Paul, Lou, & Caroline

Paul Higgins, Lou Teasdale, and Caroline Watson,

This ain’t gonna be too long because there’s not much to say to you but thank you. Thank you for being those people who care for me even though you don’t know much about me. Thank you for the support you give me that I didn’t even know I needed. And thank you for watching over the boys and the rest of the people in the group. I wouldn’t know how they would be now if it weren’t for you.

Tell Lux I love her.

     Eleanor, Danielle, & Perrie

El, Dani, and Pez,

Such lovely girls you are, I’m jealous, haha. You three have different lifestyles but at the same time, you’re all amazing the way you are. A college student from Manchester, a part of a famous girl group, and a dancer. I look up to you girls.

I’m not sure if you’ll be mad at me or anything, but I want to set you up. Eleanor with Louis, Danielle with Liam, and Perrie with Zayn. I know, I know. What am I thinking? I honestly don’t know. When I looked at those three pairs, a smile just creeps into my face at the thought. Such glamorous girls deserve just as equally amazing blokes. Don’t worry, I’ve told this to the three boys as well. Just try it out and if it doesn’t work out for you, it’s alright. I’m just trying to see if something blossoms.

Stay fabulously amazing.



I don’t know what to say, honestly. Loving you- loving you is hard. I didn’t know what made you go back to alcohol before, you were doing extremely well. Maybe it just fell apart, I guess. But now, you’ve changed, I saw that too. Maybe together isn’t the perfect place for both of us to be, but as friends we can do it. I’m not going to be that girl who will love you the same way I did before, that’s not me anymore. You have to find her soon; I want to see you happy. I want to see everyone happy.




My best friend, the reason why this whole change in my life happened, it’s all because of you. I can never thank you enough for that. I didn’t know those boys that were once on you book or magazine would be meaningful beings in my life. At first, I thought you were totally worked up with those boys, I didn’t understand you then, I thought you were crazy. But I understand you now; they’re not what I once thought they would be. They are amazing, thank you for introducing them to me.

Don’t ever forget me when you have new friends there in California, because I know for myself that I’ll never forget you.


Anne, I’d like to call you the mother I wish I could have. I haven’t known so much about you except for your house and your daughter, Jade. I wish you all the best in your life and I thank you so much for meeting me and being so kind, I’ll never forget what you’ve done.

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