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Kathryn’s POV

 The car ride wasn’t awfully quiet, predictably. I didn’t even think about my next destination at all. We just talked about anything, I asked them about where they got these gifts and they tale about how girls mobbed them on the way. And the boys asked me if it was alright to bring myself up when talking to the fans and of course it’s alright with me, as long they stay out of my life, I’m alright with that. I don’t have to right to be rude to them just because I’m One Direction’s friend. But then there came this topic that I thought would go untouched.

“How are you?” Niall starts and I begin to wonder. What does he want from me now?

“Fine, thanks.” It almost sounded like a question, confused.

“No I mean, are you fine? Something new in your in your life? Let’s say interests, do you like something?” Harry explains more and I really don’t know where this is going, my mind is cluttered, thoughts disoriented but I do have a hunch. I don’t understand why they’re doing this though.

“Or someone?” Niall adds. Now I get it. Pfft. They should’ve asked me straightforward.

“You’re asking about me and Zayn?” I ask a matter-of-factly and they nod. “Are you and Zayn together? As in together together?” Wow, they can be quite annoying, can’t they?

“How many times have you asked me this, uh?” I ask them, I don’t plan on telling them just yet unless they have a good explanation. “Well the last time we asked you this, you were unsure. Since it’s quite like ages ago, we want to ask you again, if ever you changed your mind.” He has a point. I’m always unsure to be honest, up to now I’m still a bit hesitant of my answers.

“Well, I really do love Zayn, but the PDA isn’t that regular, but yeah I love Zayn.”

“So, are you together?”

“You can ask Zayn that.” I leave the answer to Zayn, I don’t know where our relationship stands for now. Because there’s also that thing going on between me and all the boys. All of us can get on pretty well, more than best friends, brothers and sister to be exact, but when it comes to those jittery feelings or that little churn I always feel, it all comes from Zayn, and he sets apart from my relationship with the rest of the boys. I don’t really put labels on relationships, I don’t know where we are now until we talk about it. I called Austin my boyfriend and he called me his girlfriend because he wanted to be specific of this relationship, he wanted a label, and I agreed with it. And I guess it all started from there.

“But would you agree to be Zayn’s girlfriend?” What kind of question was that?

“Of course I would, but I’m still shaky on making that relationship official, I don’t know why though. So he’s still restricted at times,” I finally say before Harry could park the car.

“So what’s next?”

“That we are not allowed to tell you now that we know.” Niall chuckles and I put on a pout. “So head on there,” I don’t know where we are but it looks awfully familiar. “Where are we anyway?”

“Hyde Park,” And I looked around. Oh yeah, we are in Hyde Park, it’s so beautiful here, quite windy, but that made the scene more special, more picturesque. Since when did I swallow a dictionary?

“You won’t accompany me there? What if I don’t know which way to go?” I ask them and their eyes show nothing but happiness and it somehow scared me they could smile like that. “You’ll know it when you see it,”

“Are you sure?” I don’t leave yet, until I know where to go. “Yes, we’re sure. Liam is- ouch!” Harry then elbows Niall in the stomach, making him grasp his stomach, bits of moans heard in the background.

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