3. New Home & Anne

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Kathryn’s POV


I breathe heavily as the dream from last night haunted me until now. I feel like I had a hangover from last night. Some night that was. It sucked. I gained my consciousness to find that I wasn’t where I was last night. I was in a room, I feared that it might me my flat, but it’s not, thank God. The room had pink, green, blue, and lavender colors rounding the room. It was a teen girl’s room. Why?

I got out of bed, realizing I was tucked in and looked out the window. There outside was the bench I slept on last night. And my bags were in the room. Why am I here? Did I have transportation powers? Nah.

“Oh, you’re awake early. Good morning.” My heart jumped. I didn’t know who she is, but she gave me a heart attack. “Who are you? Where am I?” Were the first few things I asked the lady. From the looks of her face, she expected that I would ask her that, making her smile grow wider.

"I’m sorry for startling you, but I saw you helpless last night on my front yard and I knew you needed shelter so here I am giving you one.” Her smile was contagious; it even made me smile even just a little bit. “Let’s eat breakfast so we can talk more.” She gestured me outside to the dining room where my nose was filled with scrumptious scents of bacon and eggs. I felt my mouth water and my stomach growl as the lady let out a chuckle at my actions, so then she gave me a chair to sit on.

“What’s your name my dear?” Was the first thing she asked, breaking the awkward silence filling the dining room. She was a nice lady, so I think opening up a bit won’t be that bad. “Kathryn,” I reply to her.

“Thank you,” I mouthed to her, not sure if she understood it but I think she did because I could see her smile from the corner of my eyes. “You don’t have to thank me,” She grins yet another genuine one as her chocolate eyes met mine, and with that I took a good look at her. Her smile was beyond wide it almost scared me, her brown curls were short but it looked good on her, she looked neat which was the opposite of me, I look like a child living in the streets, oh right. I am one.

“Oh, and you can take a bath after this, you look like a mess, but still beautiful.” She said, almost like she read my mind. “Thank you so much miss-“

“Call me Anne.” She said and I nod. “I like that room you let me sleep in, it’s really nice.” I tell her, reciprocating her gesture of compliment. “Thank you; it’s my daughter’s bedroom.” I could see her smile beginning to fade, but she still managed to stick it on her face. “Then why isn’t she here then?” I don’t mean to pry, but curiosity just got the best of me. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, it just seemed like you were upset when you brought it up.” I knew I was pushing her too hard on her personal life. I just knew her, and now I think she’s almost to the verge of tears.

“It’s alright; you seem like a nice girl.” She breathes out a sigh before starting. “My daughter died weeks ago, and left me all alone now. Many people have supported her when she passed, you know, directioners always have to stick together. She’s fan of this boyband, One Direction.” Well, that explains the endless merchandise she has in her room. “What’s her name?” Again, I was pushing her too far, what’s wrong with me?

”She’s your age actually, she’s Jade.”

“Well I’m sorry for your loss.” I finished eating and just continued on listening to our conversation, it’s quite interesting. She lost her daughter and she lives alone now, like what she said. “I’m still starting to get used to her being gone, you know teenagers, especially when your daughter’s a fangirl, the house is always filled with noise and shrieks from her that I’ve grown to know in love.” Moisture starts to build up in her eyes as she continues.

“You didn’t actually lose her completely, she’s still here, you just can’t see her, but you can feel her,”

”Life knocks us down but it’s our decision whether or not to get back up and move forward.” I don’t really know where I got these words from, but maybe it’s the books I’ve read, and it just so happens to fit in the moment.

“You’re a nice girl, you know that?” She wipes off her tears and lets out a smile as she sends her a comforting one back. “And beautiful too,” She compliments again, making me blush pink. “I’ll help you clean the dishes.” I offer to help her because letting me stay here and knowing part of her life was large enough of a favor. “Thank you dear,” She says as she picks up her plate and she goes behind me as i saw the clock.

 “I’m late,” I whisper to myself. It’s Monday. “Excuse me?” She turns back with a questioning look on her face. “I’m sorry, but I have school today and-“ I was cut off mid-sentence by her. “You hurry up and take a bath, I’ll get the dishes done. Or you can just be absent for just one day, you don’t feel okay for school now.” She knew me well. “Alright. I guess skipping a day isn’t that bad, my arm is still sore though.” I grab the dishes and head on behind Anne. “I like you. You must be really smart girl. Some teenagers I know don’t even think of going to school, but you remembered.” Anne nudges me as we both clean the dishes. I’ve been showered with compliments this morning.

“Thank you, I like you too.” She replies back, again a smile playing on my lips. “After this, you can take a bath while I go and unpack your things, then we can chat,” “Wait, you don’t have to-“ “But I want to, you can stay here. I get lonely alone so I could use some company.” Alright then, I guess there’s no more use for any arguments. As soon as I finished washing the dishes, I head on to the bathroom for a bath because, you know what? I stink.

I went to my temporary room to see Anne just finished unpacking my clothes and closing the drawers. “Thank you Anne,” I tell her and there goes her smile again. I think I should get used to that. “You’re welcome.” She replies before going out the door for me to dress up.

When I finished, Anne knocked on the door and opened it, knowing I just finished so we can now have that ‘chat’ she was saying. “So,” My voice fills the awkward silence between us. “I’m guessing you ran away babe, why?”

“How did you know that?” I asked her. It was scary how she knew that. “I saw how you packed your clothes and I just had a hunch.” Well, she was good at making guesses. “Well because-“ This is going to be a long story, I think.

“I was treated like a daughter by my boyfriend Austin’s parents because they saved me once and I was thankful for them to do it. But then Austin had a rough family past, so both of us moved here to London. Because of his past, he went drunk and, well-“ I just realized that my eyes were already forming tears as I felt Anne’s hands on top of mine, giving it a slight squeeze for a bit of support. “You’re too young to run away like that. Something could’ve gone wrong. But you’re safe now, and that boy’s a loss.” I was thankful to meet someone like Anne, she wasn’t in my age group but she understood me like one, because she had a daughter. I was thankful for sleeping on her bench.

“Don’t cry, he should be the one to cry.” I needed a hug, and Anne gave it to me. “Ouch,” I mutter out because my broken arm was hurting by our tight hug.

“Sorry,” She smiles apologetically then lets go. “We both won’t do anything in the house, how about you can help me shop for food and more clothes for you or you can stay here, what do you say?”

“I’ll come with you then,” We both smile as we stand up from the couch and I follow behind her.

Anne is a really nice lady, I really like her. You could say that my problems have already been solved because of her. Physically, I’m already fine and I just need my arm to heal itself like the scars left on my feet, which still hurt pretty much but I try to ignore the pain, it’s not like they’re important, right?


Author's Note:

Today's update is on a... Thursday! :) *doing the happy dance*

Dedication to Aubrey12_8 because she's my friend and I didn't know you read this too! Aha.

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PS: Picture to the side is how I picture Kathryn. Hannah Murray.

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