35. Give Her Up

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Kathryn’s POV

The way Louis said those words so easily. How does he do that? My heart breaks for him like this. If I leave him now, what will become of him? I hate to lose that kind of connection with Louis, I just don’t want to lose everything that we had. He is everything to me.

“I’m going to be alright, I couldn’t let you decide on something that hard, and I could see the spark in your eyes when you look at Zayn, how could I compete with something like that, you’re definitely for Zayn.” He is sure of his words and the hot tears fall to my cheeks, an obvious sign that this is actually real. He’s sacrificing his own happiness for me; I never thought someone could be as selfless as him.

“Louis, I just can’t let you go like that.” Our chests part and he holds me by my shoulders, bends down to my eye level and looks at me with his own eyes that are almost in the verge of tears.  “I’m still going to be here with you, we’re just not going to be that whole boyfriend-girlfriend shit. We’ll still be the same people,” I manage to smile at his words. The way he is so selfless is the most amazing thing ever, I don’t ever know how I’m going to repay him.

“I love you so much,” I almost strangle him by the neck but he doesn’t complain about it. I only remember now that I haven’t hugged and met everyone, now all of them are on the couch. “Finally, you guys are done. I couldn’t wait to hug Kath,” Niall stands up and walks towards me, he then sees my tired eyes and messy hair and his eyes dart to Louis. “What did you do?” Then, everyone else looks at me and I feel embarrassed.

“Trust me, it’s nothing. Right, Lou?” My eyes look for Louis’ and he nods slowly, which is enough of an explanation for Niall. “I’ve missed you!” He hugs me tight and lifts me up into the air and I order him to let me down a few seconds after. When Harry comes out of the kitchen with two bags of crisps, Niall practically runs towards not Harry, but for- you guessed it. “You never change,”

“Well, since no one’s going I guess it’s my turn then,” It’s Liam’s turn to stand up and Harry shrieks. “It’s supposed to be my turn! Never mind, I’ll go after him,” We both chuckle as he sits down, a blonde baby walking towards him. “She’s Lux, Lou’s daughter.” My eyes bawl out when I hear it and behind me, I feel Liam give out a laugh. “I’m Lou, he’s Louis,” A woman goes up to me, maybe in her thirties, more or less, and she holds out her hand for me to shake.

“You legitimately gave me a heart attack.” I tell them, and they laugh. “We used to get that a lot,” She says with a kind smile. “Lou Teasdale, the boys’ stylist, they're a nightmare to work with, they always move around when I fix their hair,” I could hear Louis shout a ‘hey!’ before I could reply. “I can tell,”

“Where has Paul gone?” Liam asks. Who’s Paul? “He said he’s off. He has to get that car back, he’s their bodyguard or something,” She explains and I nod.

“How have you been?” Liam asks me after giving me yet another bone-crushing hug. “Better,” For the first time, I actually feel better than being in a rut. Now that Louis has told me what he told me, I feel a large weight on my shoulders have disappeared.

“That’s good to hear, and I love to see you smile.” Heat makes it way to my cheeks making it a light shade of red and I thank him for being there for me, for encouraging me to come back to them, and I love how he did that.

“So you’re the Kathryn the boys have been telling us?” They’ve been telling her about me? “I guess I am.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” She pulls me in for a friendly hug and the next minute this Lux baby comes running to her mother, crying and Harry is catching up to her. Lou bends down to carry the small baby and she then glares at Harry. “What did you do?”

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