6. Worry & Contest

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Kathryn's POV

My head is throbbing. I can't open my eyes but my ears are hearing everything.

"How is she?" I hear a boy's voice over all the mutters made by my classmates. "She's going to wake up soon, don't worry." The school nurse informs. Slowly, my eyes pry open and I took in the sight. There was Tina, Mr. Collins, and my other classmates. Once they all saw me, they all let out a huge sigh, knowing I was awake.

"What happened?" I shake my head to stop the spinning motion happening but it's to no avail.

"Ryan hit you in the head with a volleyball." Tina made it clear then she nudged Ryan with her elbow which made Ryan curse. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?" His eyes were filled wiyh pure guilt and asking for forgiveness. I know it was only an accident, so it is fine. I nod him a yes and he lets out a smile.

"You got your forgiveness. You can leave now." Tina sasses Ryan and he scoffs her as a reply then leaves.

"You both don't get along well, am I correct?" I chuckle at her and she gives a disgusted look.

"Ugh. I hate him." She crosses her arms, like she doesn't like the conversation we're having. "Why?"

It only made her more pissed. "I don't wanna talk about it. I already told you this long ago," She avoids my eyes and I stop to think what she had said a long time ago.

"He broke up with me for some lousy chick." I remember her saying it once.

"Now do you get it?" She asks coldly and I nod happily, contrast to her. "You need to get over that, you know."

"I'm trying."

"You could've been a really great couple, if you progressed it." I told her softly but she only shrugs.

"Well, it's all behind me now." Her face is serious then but I could still feel the bitterness in her voice.

"You alright now? Not dizzy?"

"A bit dizzy, but I'll be alright." I stand up but I'm a little wobbly as she guides me but she stops.

"Are you sure? I think you better stay here instead. You were hut pretty bad." Tina sits me back down as oppose to my liking. "I'm good, seriously I am-" I stopped myself to run to the restroom. I felt like vomiting blood yet again. I was coughing like crazy again and blood started flowing out in drops.

Tina came running to the cubicle where I was and her wide eyes were a signal that she was as shocked as I was. "Oh god Kathryn! Are you okay?" She bent down to my level as she was patting my bavk. "I am now." I cough one last time, no more blood coming out that time and I stood up and wiped my mouth then flushed the toilet.

"No you're not. You have to he to a hospital, fast. You're throwing up blood." She lost me at the word hospital. I'm not going there again. I'm alright, really. Nothing's wrong.with me. And I went to the hospital once and they didn't say anything bad, so this must be nothing.

"Seriously, I'm good. No need to go to the hospital, you know I don't like it there," I shove her off, clutching her stomach. I felt very sick, but it's nothing water can't do. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." And with that, Tina stood up and went to her next class.

"I just worry about you too much, you're too fragile." I could hear a faint sound and it was Tina. I'm too fragile?


What's happening to me? Why am I like this? Geography already ended and I was headed for the grass outside to eat lunch like I always would with Tina. I walk up feeling sicky sick as I go to my locker to place most of my books there; it's already too heavy for my liking. I could usually lift these no problem on a normal day, butvI wonder why I couldn't do it today.

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