26. Morning News

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Yeah, most of this chapter is basically a filler. Enjoy reading!


Louis wakes up to the sound of the doorbell of the flat. He groans, standing up without opening his eyes. He accidentally hits the wall and his nerves awoken. “I’m up, I’m up, I’m up.” He says continuously as he noticed he was the only one awake. He shakes his head and rubs his eyes a few times to make sure he wasn’t asleep anymore.

He only notices now that Kathryn and Zayn got back from last night. He wonders what had happened on his part of the day but his head is still pretty much incoherent to think about it now. But a hint of jealously was still there in his bones.

 He walks wobbly still and it was even a miracle that he made it through the door in such dark surroundings. The sun has barely shown. He opens the lights before he opens and his eyes were blinded by the sudden light. My eyes are burning.

He opens the door and he looks at both sides of the hallway but no one is there. All he saw was a bike with a shiny red bow on top. He doesn’t remember anyone saying they’re buying a bike. Maybe they had the wrong unit. He looked at the tag beside the bow and it specifically said this unit. So who is this for? And who is this from? A fan maybe? But why would a fan give us a bike? So many questions ran through his mind. He also doesn’t remember any of the boys tweeting about a bike the same thing the fans swooned over the fact that Louis loves girls who eat carrots. Oh, the days.

Maybe Zayn or Kath knows. Oh well. He brings the bike into the flat and grabs a cup of coffee to completely wake him up. There was no use in falling back to sleep. He grabs his phone from the coffee table where he had left it the last night. He has received a message, a message from at least three from the crew, one of them from Paul, so he decides to read his instead.

Tell the boys you have an interview at ten. You have to be here at eight. BE ON TIME.

It’s been quite a while since they’ve been out and about in the limelight so, yeah. Kathryn will have to be alone here in the flat, or she can go back to where she is staying now. Oh, she has school today. No problem there.


The boys wake up a few hours later. They headed on out the living room and the first thing they saw was the bike.

“Who’s bike is it?” Harry asks Louis and he only shrugs. Harry leaves the thought of the bike and to the kitchen area to pour himself coffee.

“Paul told us to-“ But before he could tell Harry, he cuts him off first. “I also received the text,” He nods and diverts his eyes back to the television. He’s watching an old show he doesn’t know. He doesn’t have anything to watch besides the news.

“Your bike?” Zayn walks out of his bedroom, followed by the other boys, scratching their heads whilst thinking of the same question. Louis merely nods a no and the look on Liam’s face was blank. He forgot that he had the bike delivered.

“What is a box doing on the table?” It was Harry’s turn to ask as he notices a box on the dining table. Everyone turns to him and the box and Louis’ eyes pop open. That was the box from last night.

“That’s mine,” He hurries to grab it before Harry could peep open the box.

“The bike is Kath’s, I gave it to her.” Liam explains from out of the blue, I guess there was no point in keeping the gift a secret now that they see it.

“Oh,” Zayn restrains himself from asking anymore. He doesn’t want to be so snoopy with everything that includes Kathryn. Some things are private, especially what they did last night. It wonders him how last night hadn’t speculated in the news yet, but he rather not think of it or else it would happen. He now sets the thought aside.

For the next few minutes, they get dressed and Niall volunteers to write a note to Kath telling that they are leaving for probably the whole day.

At some time during that day, the boys have revealed to each other what they all gave to Kath. It seemed like they were all as curious, from the time they saw each other’s boxes and bike.

“What did you get her, Zayn?” Everyone turns to the person who is closest to Kathryn, he has a secretive look on his face but he soon turns that to a smile.

“We ate at this restaurant, amazing food they have there and I got her another pint of this Durian ice cream-“

“Why does she want that!?” Niall interrupts and everyone hushes him down for Zayn to continue but Niall continues to mumble how and why he doesn’t like the fruit.

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” Zayn says the last word directly to Niall and he just lets his tongue out.

“Oh wait, that was it.”

“Why so mundane?” It wasn’t something Zayn-like if it doesn’t require so much effort, because he knows that it’s Kathryn and he is one to make anything special, for her.

“She wants it to be as normal as possible. She said she’s had too much to see that day. All she wanted was ice cream.” Zayn smiles an irresolute smile and with that, they finish the conversation, leaving everyone seated quietly back to their seats.


Kathryn’s POV

I am late for school and the thought of it makes me growl. I don’t wanna go to school, yes I do, I sing a random tune mentally and force myself to get up. The thought of last night makes my cheeks burn, I hate it when it does that. How heated the moments were, they still sent tingles in my lips and I honestly look like an idiot doing this.

Somehow I am now encouraged by my thoughts and by the time I am myself and thinking again, I am already drying my hair. Time has passed when I closed my eyes and only thought of Zayn and I last night. Oh my god why can’t I stop thinking of that?

I head out of the room and off to the dining area where the food was left there covered on the table. Typical. I should get the boys with me wore often, I mean they cook for me, what else could you want?

A note was left on the table next to the empty plate. I pick the paper up and read what is written.

Off to an interview or something, I don’t know. Gonna be gone until the end of the day I think. Don’t miss us and GO TO SCHOOL.

The capital letters were written scribbled and I laugh at how the boys could’ve written this. I guess it was Liam who added the last part. They only made my day better.

I finish eating breakfast in lightning speed and I still have time to watch the television for any morning news. I’m going to go to school fashionably late.

I get my cup of tea as I bring it up to my lips, walking to the living room where the television is.

Once I opened, the first thing that popped was a familiar photo. I was there, Zayn was there, everything was dark and I’m hiding behind a pissed Zayn.

Oh my god.

I almost spilled the tea and broke the teacup but I managed to hold myself together before I could realize what is happening.

My face is visible in the photos taken and I feel the air getting colder, I shiver. No, everyone will see this. Everyone all over the world, and Austin. I feel a lump in my throat at the thought of it making me cringe. Suddenly I have the urge to not go to school, to hide myself in this flat until the boys come back and ask me for an explanation.

But I couldn’t let the boys down. I have to show everyone that I am not affected by what is seen on the news.

And besides, who even watches the news in the morning? And they wouldn’t see it anyways because most of the people are already in school or at work so what do I have to be shameful about?

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