5. School & Volleyball

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Kathryn’s POV

I surprisingly woke up and noticed that it seemed like the sun just shone up. I checked on the clock on the bedside table and looked at the time. 6am. Why would I be awake at this time on a… Tuesday morning? Oh right, I still have school. I quickly got up and head the bathroom to freshen up. My body still ached. I still haven’t recovered yet and I still forced myself to move. This will wear off soon, I’m sure of it. Though every move I made hurts, I sometimes try to block out the pain in my mind but I can’t. I ain’t a magician. It really hurts. There never came a day where I haven’t thought of this. With the broken arm to add it all up, everything hurt. I shouldn’t have took the cast off. But I needed to get to school, I wasn’t like other teenager who thinks that education is not important, I don’t think that way.

After I’m finished, I went out of the room and noticed that food was already prepared on the table and I smelled the aroma a few feet away. Anne got out of the kitchen with a big curve plastered across her face as I saw her. “You’re early,” She says. “Yeah, I am. I got used to waking up to this time of day because I have school and I always cook breakfast for me and Austin.” I explain to her, then she gestures me to sit down so we can eat breakfast.

As soon as I finished, I stood up from my seat, my plate in my hands as I was going to wash the dishes like I always do until Anne stops me. “No, it’s alright, you’ll be late for school, you run along now.” She gets my plate and put them in the sink. “Bye Anne,” I grabbed my bag and walked to the door. “Bye,” Anne replies while I close the door.

I walked to school, since it’s only walking distance. I still need to hide myself at times, Austin might find me and take me back to him. I know I'm quite paprnoid, but I’m still not safe, and I know Austin always walks around the neighborhood, but you’ll never know. I can’t let him find me. Ouch. My body hurts again, there go the little sharp pains in parts of my stomach and my feet. I wish I could die, just to get this pain gone, it hurts so bad I’m not even joking, seriously. I checked the time on my phone and noticed that I was already late, it’s going to hurt but I need to run. I would hurt whenever she moved fast sometimes.

I’m already feeling sweaty and out of breath and I haven’t even run a long run yet. I kept on running until I caught sight of the building. At last I finally arrived. I check my phone and I was now way behind on time, but I have to gain composure first before I enter because I can’t just go in looking like a mess.

I begin to cough, and I felt like there was something wrong so I could even louder, and as much force as I could, letting it all out but then I noticed red substance flowing down in drips from my lips. Blood. I was coughing up blood. I stopped coughing just as I saw it and I try not vomit too much now, blood scared me sometimes, reminds me of hospitals and you know what I feel about hospitals. But coughing up so much caused me to begin to vomit blood now, and it terrified me even more. I need to stop this. After it has finished, I wiped off the excess in my mouth with my hands and it was gross I could just vomit again any second. How horrid. I decided to breathe slowly and think, why did I vomit blood? I seriously don’t know. I reply to myself. What’s wrong with me? I don’t know, I just don’t know. I was filled with all sorts of questions so early in the morning when I opened the doors to school.


“Hay Clarke,” I turn to face Tina. I wasn’t very very close her, but she did force herself to be in my life, and I didn’t seem to bother. She’s a really nice girl and she wanted a friend so when she saw me, she went after me, and it all blossomed from there. She was the same as me in other aspects. She didn’t want the drama of the popular girls in our school so she went for a girl like me, but I do think that I have more drama than those girls but she doesn’t care, at least my life is quite more interesting than knowing nail polish colors she says. Austin doesn’t go to school anymore, he stopped going because of his life problems, but he was a clever lad.

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