30. Louis

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Kathryn’s POV

 I take in a deep breath and smell the cool morning where everything and everyone isn’t up yet. The sun has barely risen yet, leaving a ray of yellow-ish orange on the horizon just below the dark blue skies. I don’t know if it is me and my in-born alarm clock or I don’t know what woke me up in my dream that has roused me.

A few days after I left and nothing has changed in my morning activities, I am still the same, no progress done and I can’t go anywhere without my bike, and my clothes are too few for me, I have to get them in Liam’s flat. But I can’t bear to see Zayn’s face there.

I check my phone and my inbox is flooding with mostly Zayn’s texts, asking me to come back, the same goes with Louis, Liam, Niall, and Harry’s messages.

My only purpose being with the boys because of this measly contest, now I’ve prolonged my stay, I shouldn’t have done that, and this is its effect.

I hear my phone beep and I pick up to see who is calling. Louis.

I don’t want to talk to anyone related to Zayn, but then again it’s Louis, he’s… different. But then again, maybe I only think it is Louis calling but it’s actually Zayn because I haven’t answered anything from him in a couple of days. Maybe I should, or maybe I shouldn’t. I hate conflicting thoughts.

“Hello?” My lips were trembling, who knows who could be on the other side. “Kath, thank God you picked up.” It’s not Zayn’s voice. It’s still Louis.

“You have Zayn there?” I don’t hear any voices though. “No he’s not here.” I heave a big sigh as I slump myself to the couch. I miss Louis' voice as much as I miss everyone else's.

 “He is however trying to convince me to call you for him.” I gulp. "Well, are you going to do it?" Because it'll never work.

“Nope.” His answer took me aback, the way he said it casually -popping the p- made it even more irrelevant to him. “Why wouldn’t you?”

“Because, it’s his problem to solve, not mine.” Sounds kind of selfish of him but I am relieved he says that. “So why did you call?”

“The same reason why Zayn is calling you, I want you back here as well. I miss you.” The tone of his voice breaks my heart; I wish I hadn’t hurt him this way. “I miss you too.” I lay my head on one arm on the couch. He feels like a million miles away but in reality I could easily go to him, but there is a wall between us, Zayn.

“I want to see you,” Five words I’ve been needing him to say, or anyone but Zayn at this moment. I feel very alone in this space, like I’m in a mental institution. “Do you know where I am?” I hope he does.

“Yeah, I can come by in ten?” He asks and I feel so stupid to nod while on the phone. Like yeah, he can see me. “Please make sure no one is following you, I don’t want anyone to know but us.” I know, secrecy. I want to be extra sure so there will be no added problem.

“Then don’t expect me to be here on time.” I love when he laughs even in my lowest. I need his laugh, I need to hear it to make myself sure that everything in the world is not all bad. At least nothing affects Lou’s laugh, it’s like everything good in the world bundled in a certain voice.

I clean the living room and pretty much the whole house before Louis rings on my doorbell, it’s about time. I’m about to die of boredom.

“Hi,” It’s refreshing to see Louis again. He is a constant reminder that I am not alone to face my own problems. He is there as well, whenever it is good or bad.

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