24. Moving On & Swimming

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Kathryn’s POV

Looks like I’d never rest this ‘Kath Appreciation Day’ but it’s alright, I even might use this as a conversation piece someday, and who knows, we might do this again next year.

Thinking about next year feels surreal. Will I even last that long with them? Anything could happen within a year and it anticipates me yet I feel scared. What if nothing like this will happen this time next year? What if things will change? I don't want things to change, things and people to disappear, I love the way it is now, despite those little problems of mine.

“I’m sorry I didn’t prepare this ‘stroll’,” I hear Zayn tell me and I chuckle. “You don’t have to, you just have to walk, put one foot ahead of the other, and talk. No pressure.” He smiles a toothy grin at my statement.

“But I want to make this special, like the other boys’,” He pouts. “Being with you is already special, and you know it.” I nudge him and his smile grows wider as he hand reaches for mine and swings it. We don’t know where we’re going but we’re only walking and walking, we walk slow fearing we’ll run out of road to walk on, ridiculous. This is what I like, the cold breeze rounding us and swishing my hair as I was smart enough to grab a jacket, and the neighborhood was totally quiet, I’ve actually been waiting for hoodlums to pop up from nowhere.

“Hey,” I feel Zayn slightly poke me off guard and I immediately turn to him. “What?”

“I said, why don’t we go grab a place to eat?” Oh, well my stomach has been growling for quite some time now. I don’t even realize I was walking facing the ground, but it was a surprise that I wasn’t slipping on the road due to the rain earlier. “Sure, where do you want to go?” And we stop in the middle of the road. “I was thinking that we go to this diner just around the corner, they have the best food there and it’s really comforting.” He had me at food.

“Let’s go now!” I grasp his wrist and take him to that place he was talking about. “You’re uh- going the wrong way.” He chuckles and as if on cue, my cheeks turn a bright shade of the red color. “Let’s just go,” I mumble as Zayn giggles quietly at my embarrassment. He holds both my hands and heats it by rubbing it against his puts my hands in the pocket of his coat. I look at him, looking at the frost he is producing out of his mouth as he breathes. He looks like an angel at this point, I’m not even kidding. He looked perfect, I never really knew they had boys like him nowadays.


 “So, what did you lads do?” Harry asks as he makes his way to the living room where the boys were at, about to watch a game on the telly and Harry has a bowl of popcorn at hand as he said “This ought to be exciting,” referring to both the game and their conversation.

“I gave her bike lessons,” Liam comments as he digs his hand into the bowl. “How about you?”

“We gave her jewelry and sang her a song,” Niall answers for him and beams proud. “Quite the charmers.” Liam tells them and Niall blushes. “Where’s Louis?”

“I’m here,” And as if on cue, Louis steps out a room in the flat as soon as his name was heard. “What is it? He asks. “What did you get Kathryn?” Liam asks him.

“And what’s with the whole conversation with you Zayn earlier? I overheard it but I didn’t understand most of it.” And the other lads also nod agreeing with Niall but Louis only ignores. “Oh, that was uh- nothing.”

“We’re your lads, you can tell us anything.” Niall puts his hand on Lou’s shoulders, encouraging him to open up. “It’s all Kathryn boys, he was quite jealous that he almost didn’t have time for Katie.”

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