12. Feelings and Another Night

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Louis’ POV

I felt quite awkward, you know- seeing Kathryn and Zayn kiss. Yup, I’ve been watching them from a distance. I do want to catch their attention but when I think I had the chance, I just saw them- you know, kiss.

I mean, they only met, and I think they barely even knew each other, maybe that’s why they’re here, to get to know each other better. But kiss? Really? But I don’t want to intrude, so I called them when they were done with their intimacy. But somewhere deep down, I could’ve sworn I hear a Louis weep from what I see, or feel.

“Uhm-“ I didn’t know what to say, I felt embarrassed to intrude them. I fake coughed to get their attention even more, and it worked as they turned to think who that was and saw me. I could feel that they felt awkward too by the situation.

“Uhm- Niall and Liam are already back in the flat, lunch is already there too. Harry is still taking his driving test.” I was stuttering and I notice the two chuckling at my actions. I didn’t wait for any answers, as long as I told them. It ain’t going to be my fault if Niall finishes their food. More for Niall.

My car ran out of gas as I was always teaching Harry how to drive, rounding the streets and back, for Harry to know the basic things. And now I’ve ran out of gas and I’m walking home, Harry has the responsibility of getting gas and taking home that baby safe and sound. Though I’m not sure if I’ll be surprised seeing that car crashed to bits.

I don’t want to talk about that kiss.

To me –it’s just my opinion-, I think they were going way too fast, or I think Zayn is going too fast. I don’t know Kathryn that much yet to criticize her that way, but I do know Zayn and what I know is that he doesn’t take things way too fast, like kiss on the first date, which is like what he just did there.

I was walking way ahead of them, I don’t know, something cracked in me. I just don’t know. I turn my head to see them walking hand in hand, and they both shot me a smile, and I reciprocated their action, but I didn’t actually feel that grin.

Were they still friends? I think they’re much more than that as what I see. But are they in a relationship already? Talk about fast. But when I see Zayn with a girl, even though they’re not officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and I know he’s serious about her, he’s going to do anything to go get her, which makes it a bit harder for me now that I think about it.

But I wasn’t sure about Kathryn yet, if she ever felt the same thing for Zayn because I don’t see much spark –although there is- in her eyes unlike in Zayn’s. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It’s their ‘relationship’, why do I have to know anything about it?

Kathryn’s POV

What just happened? How did I end up holding Zayn’s hand, everything went by so fast I barely remembered anything, just the fact that we both confessed what we felt about each other and now we were… this?

Yes, I did like Zayn and I’m just trying to see where this thing goes, will it escalate or not. If he’s the one or not. But I can’t just go holding hands with him, we’ve only met! And I barely know anything about him mind tells me but the other side says that he might be what I want, I’m just taking a shot in the dark here. He did look somewhat like Austin and I always thought to myself to never go back to this, and look what happened. Zayn was like Austin too, in how mysterious he was. And we also had the same feelings for each other, but things got a bit… shaky when we were finally together. So I’m not going to officiate anything unless I was sure I was safe. When he said he liked me, he made sure I knew, and that kiss sealed it. He liked me. We were mutual about our feelings, but there wasn’t anything official.

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