38. Interview

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Kathryn’s POV

“Wake up,” I move them around once more, one by one and with more force than my first attempt but they don’t budge, typical. I need to do more. I look over my shoulder to ask permission and they only grin mischievously, they accept a hundred percent.

And so I did it. I slapped them one by one, on both cheeks and in an instant, they woke up. I should do that more often. I didn’t even know I slapped that hard, that’s gonna leave a nasty pink bruise on each one, making it seem like they’re blushing the whole day, it’s so funny. Oh, I’m so merciless.

“Why’d you do that for?” Niall screams, rubbing his cheeks, the stingy feeling still lingered in his pale cheeks, the color was more visible on him, he looks like a sad, little puppy.

Liam held his hands up in surrender as Louis slowly got up. “They told me to,” I pointed behind me to see a brawny Paul Higgins and Lou Teasdale holding a fresh-from-the-bath baby Lux in the living room, the door to the bedroom wide open so they can see them clearly without walking inside as it was cramped.

“We have an interview, your last one before the tour, so you better not mess it up.” Paul says authoritatively and Lou replies. “Well, they’ve already messed it up now, we’re almost late, and they’re not the kind of boys to take a bath fast, unless they take a bath together, then you’d save on water and time.” I don’t know where Lou was going with that idea but I shove it quick.

Lux makes her way in the tight room and went for the curly bloke, kissing his cheeks and I swear I could hear a bunch of people go ‘aw.’ Harry miraculously woke up, having a smile on his face before finally getting up. I should do the same thing with Zayn, my mind proposes, leaving a wide smile on my face at the thought. I walk over to him, bending down so I can plant a few kisses on his cheeks as well as a few sweet words to make him wake up. If I have to be seductive, I’ll do it. Nah, just kidding.

“Zayn,” I whisper softly and he groans. I then plant a kiss and I feel his system freeze, and so I did another one, and another, and another. Then he finally opened his eyes. I only needed one word and a few kisses to wake him up, the perfect recipe the next time I wake him.

“What a way to wake me up, Clarke,” He laughs, his raspy morning voice turning me on. I’d like to stay this way, hearing his voice like this but I need to hurry, they need to hurry, and Paul and Lou are watching me, watching us.

“Now get up and get in the shower, Lou might have suggested you all get a shower together, I don’t know.” He laughs at the thought but I think it’s weird. Then it takes me back to that time where Louis and Harry were in the bathroom together, I wince. Ew. “I don’t think so,” He laughs, standing up.

I finished fixing the room just as they all finished taking a bath, I don’t know if they really took Lou’s tip or each of them just splashed on water and soap and got out thirty seconds flat, each.

In a flash, they were all dressed and we’re now headed to the van, Zayn trying to keep his mind up as he was the most tired, along with Louis. Must’ve been some boys’ night out for them last night. Zayn hasn’t spoken to me the whole trip as he was fighting to stay up and talking to Louis as he was also the same so I guess I’m left with Liam and Niall to talk to this morning.

“What’s this interview for?” I think every interview they do has some reason behind, I don’t know about this one though. “Our headlining tour will be tomorrow or the day after that, I forgot, it’s like a catapult to that, we’re doing a few song in that interview as well, give them a taste at what will happen on tour,” Oh. Well, that’s fun.

Wait. “Tour?” I wasn’t informed of this tour, where am I standing in this sense? Do I come with them? Do I not come with them? Have they even thought of me when talking of this tour they’re saying? “Yeah, the Up All Night tour. You have heard of our album right, have you?” Well, I could tell  them I’ve always heard Tina play them every single time, but I don’t even know if it’s One Direction, I didn’t care back then. “Uh- I think so. What Makes You Beautiful  right?” They nod, proud. I guess the album was already released –even that song Niall and Harry sang that one day before- and see? I didn’t care still.

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