22. Unexpected

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Song: Out Of My League – Stephen Speaks

Kathryn’s POV

I can’t see, you know that? Well that’s because Liam put on a blindfold to cover up my eyes. I was sitting quietly as I hear him murmuring things to me that I don’t even know. Liam hailed a cab as I was casually sitting beside him, I’m quiet, I don’t know what to talk about, other than where I’m going next or who’s next, but I know that Liam won’t tell me either. Me and Liam kept on talking about anything, just anything to keep my mind of what’s happening next.

“You’re here babe.” He whispers into my ear a few seconds just after we’ve ended another conversation. I never really realized we’re here until he finally said it. Liam started leading me out of the cab as I feel him pay the driver. He led me out, my hand grasping his arm so tight so he can’t leave me.

“Okay, you’re here. I’m going to leave you now. Is it okay?” He whispers and it sends shivers down my spine. I don’t know if it’s his voice or the fact that I’m afraid of where I am.

“No, not yet. I’m scared. Please tell me where I am,” I could hear him chuckling. “I have to let you go now. You’re strong; it’s not that scary anyway.” I feel him smile at the back of my neck. It think it’s probably alright, if he says so, then I trust his word on that. A few seconds later, his absence was now recognized. I don’t feel him anymore, he’s gone now and I’m left here. I feel afraid, I have no one to hold on to. What if trip? I think it’s now safe to take the blindfold off.

I thought my eyes were going to be fried by a light, that I’d rub my eyes as soon as the light was hitting them, but that wasn’t the case. I was in a dim place, and nothing lighted anything, just the moonlight shining, other than that it was pitch black and that grew my tension.

And there came all of a sudden, a spotlight shone, somewhere over at the front. I decided to follow the light. It was quite near but I was terrified, walking inch by inch shivering with fear. Have I ever told you I was afraid of the dark?

After what seemed like forever, I finally arrived at the light and what it shone upon. A table, a well decorated one to be exact. It had a box there, a box with a bow on top. Who could’ve done this? I know both of them are capable of doing this but let’s think deeper. Zayn’s the more romantic one so I guess this one is all Zayn’s doing. Yeah.

“Hello? Zayn? You there?” I call out. Even if I kind of already know who the next person was, I was still afraid of being alone. I need them here. There’s no respond, just my echo coming back at me.

My attention goes to the box placed on the table, and what’s in it. My curiosity got the best of me, so I opened it. There was a dress neatly placed in it, a small box I haven’t opened yet, and a small piece of folded paper at the bottom of the box.

Want to have your day at its best?

Open the box and put on the dress

What you will find, a beautiful girl in disguise

Don’t let yourself down; you’re beautiful in my eyes.

A rhyme kind of lad, wow, this is really Zayn. I feel a smile a smile creep up my face at the idea of this. This is going quite well and romantic for me. I hurry up and put on the dress. Where do I dress up in the middle of the dark though? Well, I think in the middle of the dark, I guess no one would see me anyway. It took me quite a while before I could finish. I was even surprised I finished before an hour. I found more stuff as I was dressing myself up. I felt a pair of shoes under the table to match the dress. It was the same color as the dress. 

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