9. Took Her Home

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3rd Person's POV

“Hazza isn’t answering, that must be a really fun date I bet,” Niall says as he munches on some crisps. The boys all nod in agreement.

For the fame of the band, the management has set up a contest and chose Harry unlike the other boys to be the main boy in the contest, because he is the most famous in the band. It did seem quite unfair as they were a band and all, they come in a package and they should have equal attention in the spotlight, but that never stopped the boys in their friendship. It didn’t matter to Harry that he was the most famous in the band or not, as long as they make music and have fun living their dream, nothing mattered.

“Yeah, he found a girlfriend!” He cheers and the other boys laugh along. “What time is it?” Zayn asks Liam.

“Uhm- they must be having fun , it’s 8pm.” He checked the time on his phone as he paused the game he was playing before telling Liam. “I think they won’t be home anytime soon,” Liam shrugged and once again, all of them agreed.

Liam was busy making dinner for the lads and it gave him more time to cook something special as he was at the same time waiting for Harry to come home.

Zayn has stopped playing his phone and just read a book as he popped some music in his ears.

Niall is eating more food, even though Liam has told Niall to stop because dinner is almost done, but Niall didn’t acknowledge him because he knows there’s still room in his stomach for dinner, like he always has and no one in the world could understand his love for food more than Niall himself.

Louis was plainly watching the telly. His recent breakup with Hannah still haunted him even though it happened somewhere around two weeks ago. He is one to take a breakup very seriously. The boys tried their best to cheer the Doncaster boy but he has suggested that time will heal his wound, and he thinks right now that he is almost finally getting over Hannah. He couldn’t let the depression of losing Hannah take over his life, but he still wasn’t fully the Louis he originally was, the old funny Louis that is.

“I’m hungry!” Niall felt his stomach grumble as he placed his hands over it. “I guess Harry’s not coming back tonight, you guys sure you don’t want to wait? Pasta is ready.” Niall heard the magic words and ran to the kitchen where Liam was.

“Yup! Let’s eat now! My stomach can’t wait any longer.” And with that, the other boys slowly went to the kitchen as Liam set out the eating utensils.

Just as it happened, Harry burst in the door, carrying an unconscious Kathryn as he placed her on the couch.

“Harry, you home?” Zayn said as they heard the door open.

“Guys! I need your help!” He breathes heavily for a few seconds. Louis went to the living room and saw Kathryn on the couch and Harry stroking her hair as he manages to catch up with his breathing.

“Lou, your plate is ready.” Zayn followed Louis into the living room and his eyes also fell on the girl on the couch.

“Boys!” He called on the remaining two lads and slowly they went, Niall being the last as he was busy eating the pasta. Both Liam and Niall’s eyes widened as they all examined the girl.

“Harry! You brought a girl home? Why-“ Before Liam could finish his expected never-ending rant, Harry cut him off short.

“I know I brought a girl home, but she passed out.” He explained, still taking in heavy breathes.

“Pass out!? What did you do?” Louis asked next, all looking at Harry suspiciously. “I’ll answer all your questions after you guys eat, alright?” Harry stood up and told Niall to take her shoes off as she might be awfully tired.

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