19. Maxene

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Kathryn’s POV

The teacher would be tardy as I could remember it, and I was right. I sat in my usual seat, at the far end of the room beside the window so the teacher won’t recognize me listening to music on my phone, this is music class after all.

“Hey,” I hear someone and I believe he or she is calling me. Either this girl is very friendly or I’m just very much noticed today.

“So you met Harry Styles. How was it like?” Yup, I’m just very much noticed today. I try to ignore because I didn’t really come to school to talk about how I met these boys. I was just merely lucky and I wasn’t doing this to get famous in school. I don’t need popularity.

“What do you mean? I don’t even know-“ I try to talk her out of the conversation, but she cuts me off.

“But you said you won a contest and met him. I heard you over the speaker. Was he naked all the time?” What kind of question is that? Him, naked? Gross.

“Well-“ And the bell rang. Thank God for that, I don’t want to engage in a conversation involving those boys. I’m not here to be a news reporter to them, what happened there stays there. Not like I’m being so selfish.

The teacher now arrived and she spared me a story to tell. Who was she anyway?

“Sorry, my girlfriend.” Ryan said as he walked passed me.

“Tina was supposed to be your girlfriend though.” I teased and Ryan just shrugs, though I could see a hint of hope in his eyes. I know what they’ve been through and they’re supposed to be together, but it’s so sad that Tina had to leave and Ryan now has a girlfriend. Oh well.

Just ten minutes in class and now I’m bored. I’ll think about this morning. Okay.

Practically the whole school had heard about my encounter with the Harry Styles, not only him but also the other four members of the famous band. I don’t really care if they’re a really famous boyband, all I know is that they’re five, fun-loving, teenage boys who share a passion for music and friendship. I love those boys and I guess these girls love those things about them too.But then, what’s with Harry being naked?

I don’t know if I should be happy about the school knowing it or not. I guess not.

Another thing is, I felt myself change.

Before I left Austin, I was a good student, I always make sure that I make the cut in the honors list and I was very consistent. One mistake could be my downfall because it’s not only me who’s competitive when it comes to academics, a lot of students here chase for the A-listers list and believe me, it’s hard.

But then until I left Austin and then I went with the boys. I could see a kind of change in me. I didn’t even remember I had school when I was with these boys, on a regular basis, I’d be flustered right now, but I feel like I don’t want to right now, I want to relax a bit because I was so strict to myself that I’d satisfy my teachers, but I don’t really get to satisfy me. I haven’t felt my needs until I met One Direction, I had fun for once. I didn’t feel like an adult.

But the boys aren’t a bad influence to me, they’re not. They just showed me that I needed the break I deserved. It didn’t mean that in school, I should always be the to be at the top, yeah that’s quite nice, but it’s alright to lay it back a bit, but not too much, I’ll fail that way.


 Music went by fast even though we had two hours of it today, I have to study all about this later because I barely listened, just a bit.

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