14. Friend

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Kathryn’s POV

“You alright?” That question again, killing me. Ugh. “I’m alright Zayn, don’t worry.”

“You look like you’re not,” He says, what the hell is wrong with me now? “You keep on cursing every step you take, you’re not like that.” He tells me and now I realize. There’s that stinging feeling again and I feel like a recorder saying this again and again it gets so irritating. What was happening with me, really?

“I think I should buy you an ice pack, I’ll buy you one in the plaza, let’s go there instead.” He suggested and I nod. I think I do need taking care of, more than I realized. I need to accept their help for once, their gratitude is just overwhelming and I should accept it.

“Buy two, for my arm.”

We started walking again and I absolutely felt nothing now, I’m all good.  “Zayn, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” We stop on our tracks once more and I put a genuine smile on my face, and Zayn seemed more concerned. “Are you sure? I could carry you-“

“No, Zayn I’m okay now. Just buy one ice pack, for my arm, I could use it.” By the look on his face, he’s still quite unsure of what to do. If he should follow me or not. He might think I’m crazy that one second I’m hurting like hell, and the next second I thank the Lord that the pain stops. I believe I’m crazy.

“So plaza?” I nod.

We arrived at the plaza and Zayn got me the ice pack I wanted and I put it over my arm, it felt so good! Like the pain was melted away along with the ice and I think it’s getting better. All I needed was ice. I feel like I can move it freely now. Thank god.

I got to know more about Zayn, he’s mysterious like what I first thought when I first laid eyes on him. And from out of nowhere, I knew that he doesn’t swim, weird if you think about it, yeah, but that’s Zayn for you. A big fountain stood in the middle of the plaza and an old lady sat there, feeding bread crumbs to the pigeons that flew by. It was quite peaceful here.

“Hey, I gotta go to find the little boys’ room,” He whispered, seemingly holding his bladder. I chuckle at his actions. For someone mysterious, he can be quite the funny.

“Why didn’t you go before we left?” I held back my chuckles and he looked like he was about to go boom any second. “Well, I just felt the need to wee now! I gotta go!” He said as fast as he can and ran off without my approval. I don’t know which direction he went but I sat in the fountain but I stood up to figure out where he went. I guess I’ll have to wait for him to come back.

I kicked rocks that were on my feet and just dragged my slippers on the pavement, looking down. I followed the last rock I just kicked until I felt a small thud hitting me, I looked up to see a smiling blonde.

“I’m so sorry!” She said, holding her phone.

“I was calling my friend, she doesn’t answer.” She explained, and we both can’t help but smile at each other.

“It’s alright, I wasn’t watching where I was going anyways.” I explained my side this time and her smile grew wider.

“Why is a girl like you out and about in the plaza all alone then?” She asked. “I’m waiting for a friend, he had to go wee,” She threw herself in fits of laughter and I followed along.

“How about you?” I asked her this time and she played with her phone in her hands, waiting for a call or something.

“Well, my friends wanted me to join this speed dating thing, they said I needed a boyfriend, pfft, who needs it? It’s ridiculous but I decided to play along, you know? Now they’re missing, or maybe it’s me that’s missing…” Her voice trails off and I smile. She was beautiful and I wonder why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and I love her accent.

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