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The lights dim, they get back outside where the mic stands were placed, five for each one of them. The crowd roared, they couldn’t contain themselves, seeing the five boys back from a short break; they came back for an encore, one even the fans didn’t expect.

They remembered that day and they made sure this day was different than in any other usual day. It’s been a whole entire year since they’ve founded the event and it’s been more or less than six months since she left. The memory of the blonde haunting everyone she left. It’s been a year but the cuts were still as fresh as if they were yesterday.

The crowd’s roar amplified in the theater, the boys have gotten used to it. A smile tugged on the ends of their lips as they struggled not to shed a tear.

Down in the front row stood a number of special people, the four girls of Little Mix, Danielle, Eleanor, Austin, Tina, and Anne. As soon as Tina received the phone call, she dropped everything and immediately took the first flight back to London, letting her mum know at the last minute. She thought, when Austin and the boys had called her, she knew it would be concerning Kath, but she didn’t know about what had happened to her. As for Anne, she got home from Manchester just the day after she passed, receiving yet another phone call from them.

In the backstage stood Paul and Lou, holding Lux as she blinked a tear from her eye.

The boys looked at each other, Harry breathing a deep sigh before starting. “This is something off the album, I wrote this one while on the road and… I hope you like it.” And the yells grew louder, before the piano introduction starts. The song was intended only for Harry, but they've fixed it so all of them could sing.

Now you were standing there right in front of me

I hold on it’s getting harder to breathe

All of a sudden these lights are blinding me

I never noticed how bright they would be

For the first time, the boys have never experienced having the crowd tamed with the sound of their voices. Like what happens in Ed Sheeran’s shows. Everyone stops in their tracks as they listened to the boys, mesmerized. That, or they kept quiet and recorded the video so they can enjoy the music more. Nonetheless, they knew that this moment mattered, not only to them, but to the boys as well.

Don’t let me

Don’t let me

Don’t let me go

‘Cause I’m tired of feeling alone

The song ended with a massive round of applause from the fans, everyone clapped, tears trickling down everyone’s faces. The boys didn’t want to make it such a big thing about Kath Appreciation Day, but the fans quickly understood. Everyone lifted their lights, phone lights, flashlights, anything, they did it for Kathryn. Up there, they knew she’d be thankful.

It was a two-song tribute, all the boys chose both and told their fans so that they’d know it, sing the songs as well.

Sitting here alone thinking it through

Trying to convince myself that I’m not losing you,

Or can’t you just forget the things I said

I was angry at the time but now I cleared my head

It was so strong, but did it all go wrong?

Everyone practically cried the lyrics out, and they knew, Kathryn was crying as well.

So tell me why

I’m swimming against the tide

 And I'm praying for a lifeline 'cause I'm losing you

So tell me why

You don't care enough to try

Are you giving up this fight

I can't stand, won't stand

Losing you

Harry gets a tissue from his pocket, trying to hold back tears that have already made their way to his cheeks. She was his brother, she loved him as much as he loved her. “Wherever you are, I just want to say, we will love you,” He said in a sniffle as they continued on.

After the show, the boys along with their group would go to the movies and reminisce memories that Kathryn left with them to stick. Though she was already gone, the memory she left everyone was still as real as if she was still here with them.


They all continued on to Liam’s flat, she stayed here the longest, she slept here, she lived here with them, many things happened here and hopefully without her, they’d still make more.

Liam had suggested they clean the flat, it’s been quite a mess since they were boys and the last time they probably cleaned it was six hundred years ago. They didn’t know why they were doing it, they just felt like it. But Harry didn’t want to help, like if they cleaned the flat, the memory she had left this flat might sweep away with the dust. Niall walked over to his side and pat his head, absentmindedly touching under the glass table until he drew his hand away at a texture, he thought it was some sort of gum but it wasn’t lumpy nor was it gum, it was a piece of paper.

Everyone had noticed Niall as he silently read the note with Harry, they went over to their side of the room to read it as well. They knew it was from Kathryn, but the letter was only addressed for the two boys, so maybe, just maybe we had our own letters too, Liam thought to himself. Little did all of them know each one had their own letters.

So they went in for a finding spree.

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