25. Chaos

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Kathryn’s POV

“Come on let’s go home,” He pulls himself up from the water and I could see his toned muscles flex at his action.

He pulls me up and we both get dressed in our dry clothes that Zayn had brought and I used my worn clothes as a towel for my hair, and to dry myself as well. I decided to walk behind a tree to get dressed in the dark rather than have Zayn check me out, I wouldn’t take any chances.

Just as we finished, Zayn has already put his coat back on, our worn clothes in the pockets and he was standing there waiting, smiling.

“I thought you’d leave.” He tells me. “Where else would I go?” I laugh as I walk towards him and he begins to wrap his arms around my shoulders and my head leaned against on his shoulders.

The ground was still wet and so is my hair and Zayn still keeps on talking about me being inexperienced when kissing with the tongue and I swear I will never hear the end of it. I am seventeen, still going to be eighteen soon and I think it’s still acceptable for me to be inexperienced that way. I can live with only simple kisses. But then again, there wouldn't be any spark.

We were almost to Liam’s flat which naturally became our hang-out place when we’re here. Do they boys ever visit their flats or they sleep in Liam’s for now? I’d have to ask them this next time.

“Zayn! Zayn!” We hear faint noises that grow louder, accompanied with flickering sounds and lights flashing from someplace else. The immediate churn in the pit of my stomach sends me panicking, gripping Zayn’s arm like hell. I don’t know what is happening but the next thing I know is that people are already near us, faces unidentified, masked by the lights of their cameras, taking pictures of who knows what. All these things happen too fast I barely have time to think about it now.


“Don’t say anything,” Zayn managed to whisper in my ear as I nod terrified of the situation. I didn't understand what he has said but I know I have to keep shut. Zayn looks pissed off at the people with his eyes squinted to avoid getting stunned by the flash. I grip Zayn’s coat from the back as we were drawing closer and closer to the complex Liam stays in. It fears me how long will this take before we’re finally there; will the paparazzi ever stop this? This is their job after all, snooping in other people’s lives to make money.

All I could think about was this seemingly unending trail of questions left unanswered about all of what is happening. How did they get here? How did they know that Zayn and I left so they could wait for us to take pictures and ask questions? Will I be in this shot? Will I be on TV? The thought surrounding that makes me shiver, and not just because I'm still wet.

I’m scared, hell I’m freaking out though everything is bottled up inside because once I burst, it will be filmed, photographed, reported, and sent everywhere in the world in less than an eye blink, by then it would’ve gone viral and everyone will know me and want to know me, therefore my privacy damaged. How do celebrities do that? How do the lads do that? They’re even more famous than I ever will but they never seem to care about the cameras. It’s suffocating having to live like this, having the boys to live like this, so public in the eyes of everyone. One mistake can lead you to many things and you’d have to put up with everybody’s judgment. I don’t want to live the same way so I try to hide myself behind Zayn but it seemed like it attracted the paparazzi even more. It seemed like the world was already watching me through their lenses and I couldn’t help but hide in the corner to save myself.

By this time now, I’m already crying and I don’t know why, I use Zayn’s coat to wipe off my tears. We’ve been standing here for the past lifetime, going nowhere as we were boxed in a cage of cameras. I thanked god when Zayn managed to step ever so slowly while gripping me behind him. His arms take me to his chest and I was now moved in front of him, having a better secure of me. And by the time we know it, we were already in the elevator, me shaking.

“Are you okay? Did they hurt you? They can be a bit aggressive sometimes,” He hugs me and checks for any scars but I shake my head. “I’m fine, I just- I couldn’t take a crowd.” I give him an assuring smile but it still seems as if he is worried. He holds one of my hand and puts it over his chest. His heart was beating at the same pace as mine, only I think I could almost hear mine through my ears.

“Well, you’re safe now. You have to get some rest.” He pulls me in for hug and kisses the top of my head and we were finally on Liam’s floor. I felt like a needy woman drenched by the rain down the street, a chick needing it's mother after it's born and finally out of it's shell, a hodge podge of everything, hell.

Everyone was fast asleep. I checked the time and it was already past midnight. I am tired, beyond what I am supposed to be capable of. I don't think someone would be as tired as me. I was almost going to give in but I couldn't just crash to the bed without getting clean.

I take a short bath as I’m too tired to spend a lot of time there. When I went out, the lighting in Liam’s room was calming that I wanted to sleep right now, on the floor, but the boys were there. I just want to sleep right now, just crash right then and there.

I immediately went for the bed and Zayn wasn’t in the room yet. I guess he wanted to eat first or go watch TV or something. But my thoughts were wrong because there came Zayn entering the room when I was finally snuggled in bed. He looked at me with a tired smile and I reciprocate his action. It was odd because I wasn’t completely comfortable in bed. I kept turning and turning and it made me droozy but I was beyond famished. I needed something, I just couldn’t point it out.

And as he was reading my mind, I feel an arm wrap around me and I to see his face, a warm smile all over his features. He’s the one I need tonight. My face is snuggled on his chest. I could feel his warmth radiate off in my body as my body was still cold from the water, and my sweat.

“I love you,” He moves a piece off my hair off my face before he whispers the three words. Somehow, I just couldn't get myself being used to someone telling me this, even more saying it back.

“I know that already,” I complain. This time my mind is taking over, talking to him now. I don't realize it until all I see is black, but my ears still manage to hear him, hear him breathing against my neck, his heartbeat calming me down somehow.

“Yeah, but I don’t care. I’ll never get tired of telling you that.” He kisses my temple and I literally melt. How do you even do that with half your mind thinking?

“Yeah? Well you should sometimes, now get to sleep.” I groan and after that, everything was all black. I was finally asleep.



Quite a short update for a while. The monitor of my PC broke and all my files are in that computer, so it's still there, I just won't be able to see them with the broken monitor. So, I got to update this because I thankfully drafted a chapter, though it was short, I had to, just for you guys.

Could I get one or two votes before I update the next one? I just want to know if anyone is actually reading this.

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