10. I'm Not Perfect

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Kathryn’s POV

“That was a great movie now wasn’t it?” I stood up and did a little stretch.

“I liked the kiss,” Zayn comments nonchalantly and all the others agreed. “Were you crying?” Harry asks someone and I turn my head to see Liam, and he was actually crying. I haven’t actually seen a lad cry, but this one is quite new. The movie wasn’t really a very sad one that you’d end up crying your heart out, but I think Liam went a bit too far.

“No, it’s just that staring at the screen with all the lights out, my eyes watered up.” It’s was obvious he was making that up as an excuse, to let everyone see that he was a man and that sappy love stories like that won’t make him cry, but to me, I like it when a boy is into his feelings. Everyone laughed at Liam’s obvious excuse and Niall goes to the kitchen to put the empty popcorn bowl into the dishwasher. It was halfway through the movie when he finished that bowl. I couldn’t even finish one bowl in a full movie or something.

I snatched my phone from my pocket and notice that it was getting quite late. “Lads, I must be going. It’s getting kind of late,” I told everyone, but mostly Harry.

“Oh, you’re right.” Harry says, looking at the wall clock above the telly.

“Let me take you home!” Louis says whist walking towards me and giddily took my hand, but I awkwardly pulled my hand away. I don't want to be treated here as a guest, especially not to five international popstars

"No thank you, I can wait for a cab downstairs." I kindly reject with a shy smile and I could see Louis' smile turned into a frown at what I said, I didn't mean to disappoint him

I could feel Louis was going to ask me again, but Zayn was first just as Louis’ mouth was wide open to say something. “I’ll help you get a cab.” I nod and just as I was about to walk, Liam speaks from behind me.

“We’ll all help you get you a cab.” I nod and everyone filed out of the flat and went downstairs.

“Come on,” I feel Harry’s arm wrap around my shoulders as Liam, Zayn, and Louis were behind us. I turned my head on the boys at the back and to my surprise, Niall wasn’t eating anything, rather he was either playing a game on his phone or tweeting about his day with the lucky winner of the Harry Styles contest.

It was scary dark outside and the street was almost to empty, occasionally cars drove by with their headlights on. It took the boys a while before they could get a cab for me, as the drivers thought they were a bit drunk for being so hype, especially Louis.

As soon as it was Niall’s turn to hail a cab, it just stopped in its tracks and he opened the door for me, another gentleman I see.

Before I could enter the cab, I feel Harry grab my arm and whisper in my ear.

“Do you trust the lads?” He asks me and I was kind of taken aback by his question. I knew I could trust Harry, so why not trust his best mates too? They seemed like pretty nice boys, all having different personalities. But I don't think I'll always be with them, knowing I'm only a contest winner and they're only doing this to make my day, but him asking me if I trust the lads is something that tells me this is not the end of anything.

"In or out miss?" The driver says quite angry in his voice and I immediately give Harry my acceptance without any thought more. I don't think  trusting them won't lead me to anything.

I see Harry smile as I enter the cab. I took one last look on each of the boys to make sure I would remember them the next time I see them before the cab went off in the dark.

Would we even see each other next time?

I stepped out of the taxi and walked to my new home. The lights of the lamp posts were quite dim and it seemed like there was no one home, that or Anne was already sleeping. I grabbed the duplicate key to the house that Anne has given me and unlocked the doors. I felt the light switch on the wall and turned them on.

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