18. 'Typical' School Day

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Kathryn’s POV

“Why do you have to drive me to school again? You do know I can walk.” I say. He only smirks. “You seem like a dad, a really dashing one at that.”I now giggle and Harry starts the ignition.

“Because! Since Liam and Zayn had prepared you breakfast, Niall and Louis with your breakfast, I also want to do something ‘parent-like’, a truly dashing parent at that.” Okay now he’s abusing my praise. He winks at me before driving off, taking a bite out of a bagel.

“You can’t eat food whist driving! What kind of a driver-teenager-father are you? Are you trying to kill me?” I shriek though I was exaggeration, but you’ll never know reckless driving when you see one. I had to be sure. He doesn’t seem to be affected at my statement. He only laughs as he keeps on taking few bites of the bagel held on his left hand as he steers his way to school.

“I’ll tell mommy Lou,” I pout, slumping into the car seat. “I already have my driver’s license so you can’t argue with that. And who told you not to eat whist driving?”

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I couldn’t argue with the one with the license. I should get mine too so I don’t have to take rides on people’s cars. “I thought so,” He says proudly, finishing a bagel and grabbed another one from the plastic bag. “And we have an interview, so I need my energy.”

“At least give me one too.” I mutter and Harry refuses to give me the plastic, yeah like he can finish all those, eating all on his own. “Liam and Zayn already gave you too much, hotdogs, omelet, sandwiches for snacks, sliced fruit, and milk. What else do you need woman!?” I crack up. Yeah, the boys have spoiled me this morning, especially with the food. God I feel fat.

“Your bagel.” I state and Harry finally gives me his largely bitten doughnut-shaped roll. “Good,” I munch.

“It’s stupid though, why do people need to drive to take themselves or other people to destinations just walking distance? I mean, really. You can just walk, or maybe I can just walk.”

“It’s a waste or gas and energy; getting in the car, starting off the ignition, and that means more work as it might not always start at the first try. And don’t even get me started on gas.”

“Because unlike you, I’m a popstar –if you do not know-,” Show-off. “Ha-ha,” I laugh  at him sarcastically. “And I for one prefer driving than walking and for your information; my car always starts on the first try.” I roll my eyes in disbelief. “You’re so much like Lou, sassy.” I smile as I see the resemblance.

“I’m not done. And what if, you know-Austin just happens to walk by and see you, duh!”

“I think it’s accurate. I should never underestimate celebrities and cars.” I smiled quite ashamed and Harry’s cocky smirk grows wider at the thought that he won.

“So how are you and Zayn?” He now asks as we both remained silent a few seconds ago. “What is that about?” I say taken aback by his question. “What? Is it bad to ask? I’m only asking how you and Zayn are doing, you know, if you both are alright and stuff…” His voice trails off and my face went into a confused expression. Why the hell would he ask that?

“We’re fine…” my voice also trails off, making it look more like a question rather than a statement. “Seriously are you like a couple now or what?” Oh, so that’s where this conversation is heading.

To be honest, I’ve anticipated that question, but I don’t know how to answer that. What are we at the moment? Friends? More than friends? I don’t know right now. I think time will tell. It’s still unsure right now. But I do have to confront Zayn on that matter later on.

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