20. Appreciations and A New Friend

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Kathryn’s POV

First day back in school and I was sent home, how fun was that?

“What happened back there?” Liam turns back at us on the backseat.

“Sorry I got in a fight. But she did it first, I swear. I just accidentally spilled spaghetti all over her shirt and I did say my apologies but she kept on telling me that I was using you guys for popularity. She’s a bitch if you ask me.” I cross my arms and furrow my brows.

“Wow she does sound like a mean girl.” Niall comments.

“Now let’s not call her something she’s probably not. It’s bad to do that. Maybe she’s not all bad.” Liam contradicts and I slump back into my seat, a grumpy expression spread out across my features. If only he knows.

“How about we go shopping?” Louis suggests and I spring up in excitement but soon fall back again.

“Wait, the principal says I need to take a rest, Maxene hit me good, right here.” I point to my jaw line, and evidently big and painful bruise there and I kept on wincing as I touch it.

“Ow stop it!” Zayn holds my wrist to stop me from touching my bruise. I look at him and admire his eyes. They’re so beautiful. It was seconds later that I realized I was in a trance and Zayn was now slowly making his way to kiss my bruise. I cringe but I stop soon after, it was ultimately bittersweet.

“Stop the PDA, we’re here.” I hear Louis call and Zayn parts his lips from my bruise.

“Won’t you be mobbed or something? I do realize that I’m with the One Direction now.” I gesture to them. “Don’t worry.” Says Harry, quickly grasping my hand and gets ready to get out of the car. Before I could even protest how hard he was gripping my wrist, we were already out, one by one. I immediately put on the hoodie I wore today and concealed myself. Like I was the one more terrified to go out with these people.

“You don’t have to hide yourself,” Zayn whispers in my ear and right then, I take the hoodie off and catch up right behind them.

“Wait, what are we doing again?” I ask them. “Shopping,” One of them replies, not turning their heads to me.

“What the hell will you guys shop for? You practically have everything at your fingertips.”  I say and there they stopped at their tracks to look at me.

“Not really,” Zayn corrects me, a wide smile spread across his face. I could’ve sworn I heard an echo somewhere, I think it was Louis softly repeating Zayn.

“How about we buy you new clothes? That’s a good start.” Liam tells us and my eyes shot wide. Liam then looks at the boys for an approval. “Why?”

“We feel like it,” Liam replies and it’s not really the explanation I was looking for. “And your wardrobe is a  little… how do you say it, old?” And I drop my mouth forming a big ‘O’ at Louis. Well, it was kind of true, I mean look at them, they’re fashionable.

“Then I’ll buy my own clothes, if I only bought my money.” I dug into my pockets, somehow looking for some spare change. I should get a job soon. “Our treat.” Niall tells me and the boys nod in agreement.

“Why don’t we all give her presents? Warming gifts.” Louis speaks and the boys’ smiles were unbearable. I was still clueless. “Again, why?” And no one bothers to answer that question. They’re planning something by themselves. Are they always like this?

“Let’s call this day, ‘Kath Appreciation Day’” Niall shows of hi jazz hands and everyone cheers for him. I’m starting to wonder why I’m with these boys, we’re in the middle of the mall and everyone has their eyes on us.

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