15. He Slipped

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Louis’ POV

“I love how you cook Liam my man,” Niall huffed as he finished his dinner of chicken. “Yeah,” Liam replied with a chuckle. Over the times all of us have been together, Liam’s knowledge of cooking dishes for us have expanded thanks to all our demands, especially Niall’s. We all can cook –I think I’m a good cook myself- but being the responsible one, he does the cooking.

Niall stood up and a few minutes, Harry did too, leaving me and Liam to the table. I decided to help Liam with the dishes which was very rare of me because no one really helps him cleaning up.

“This is rare that one of you boys lend me a hand.” Liam chuckles as he brought his plate to the sink and I as well.

“Don’t take this for granted, boy.” I laughed but then my expression changes.

“Why the long face, Boo?” He nudged me and I barely even realized I was absentminded and thinking deeply, which wasn’t the usual me everyone has gotten used to. This is a first.

“Is it Hannah?” I could feel that Liam didn’t want to bring her up, but he had to and I don’t blame him, he just had to ask what’s bothering his mate. “Nah, not anymore. I’ve gotten over her, finally.”

And it was true. Sometimes I say that I’m over Hannah, but I never meant it that time, but I do now, and if feels like I’m turning on a new page, feeling like a fresh man, and I like it.

“Then what makes the Louis Tomlinson quiet and upset maybe?” Liam looked at me searching for an answer.

“Do you think Zayn really likes Kathryn?” I said out of the blue and it seemed like Liam was shocked by it.

“What do you mean, don’t tell me you like Kath too.” He guessed and as much as I’d like to blow my secret, I don’t. I manage to fake it by laughing it off.

“Pfft, what? Me like Kath? No…” I said, a hint of nervousness still in my tone that Liam might think otherwise.

“Alright, that’s what you say,” Liam says cheekily, he doesn’t believe in what I say. “I promise! I don’t like Kath!” I whisper shouted and Liam just nodded again. He seems to be okay with what I was saying but he doesn’t believe it. Damn it.

“I just wanted to know, you know?” I said and he nodded. “Alright, I’m a tad bit convinced that you don’t like Katie,” He turned to me and I heaved a huge sigh in my head. At last, he’s convinced. I was ready to tell anyone yet, I want to wait for the right time, you know? But for now, Harry’s going to be the first to know.

“I do think that Zayn really likes Kathryn, and same with her. But I’m not really sure why they aren’t a couple yet.” He’s right. If they like each other, then why don’t they think of being official, which would make my job more difficult than it already is.

“Yeah, they should be by now, they seem inseparable, but don’t you think you should give them some time? It’s only been a few days.” Even though I try to act like I don’t like her, I still want to defend myself or something, I just don’t want to make it too evident. I chew on my lower lip, trying to fight the guilt of not telling the truth to my best mates. As much as possible, I want to be as convincing as hell that I don’t have feelings for Kath like Zayn so there would be no misunderstanding in the group. It was evident that Zayn was the first to get her while I was still trying to get over Hannah then.

“I know, but something does tell me that you like Kathryn, by the way you act when she’s around, especially when she’s with Zayn, you seem cold.” He explained and I stared at Liam, turning crimson.

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