4. Vacation & Best Friends

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3rd Person’s POV


Liam was already making breakfast as the other boys were starting to wake up. “I smell bacon,” Says Niall, smelling the aroma of the meat as he was sleeping on the couch and the kitchen is just a few steps away.

“Lou! Wake harry and Zayn up now! We’re running late because of you guys.” Liam shouted at Louis as he made his way out of the bathroom, drying his wet hair with another towel. “Sheesh! Don’t have to be harsh.” He sassed back at Daddy Direction, going to the room where they all slept –excluding Niall.

“Haz, Liam grumpy again, so wake up please.” Louis sounding like a mother as he tries to wake Harry up, and Zayn too, of course. Harry lets out a groan, putting his pillow over his head, ignoring Louis’ plea. “Don’t make us wake you up like we did yesterday, boys.” Liam scream was audible enough to be heard and since the two boys haven’t moved a muscle, the remaining three had to do what they have to do.

Niall quickly grabbed his guitar and gathered Liam and Louis near the boys’ bed. Careful not to make any sudden noises or chuckles, Niall starts to play his guitar and composes something his brain thought of and put it as the melody of the song they were about to sing. Liam, Niall, and Louis all gathered up Harry’s side and Niall began strumming some chords and Liam and Louis wait for Niall to start singing first so they follow.

It’s time to get up in the morning,

Got McDonalds special for you.

We drove two miles to get it, so hurry up and eat it..

They continue singing then slowly began screaming, leaving the melody behind with their ear piercing screams making Zayn groan in annoyance and putting his pillow over his head, blocking the sound interrupting his sleep.

From loud chants, the three slowly tune back down their voices, back to the melody of the song until they harmonize, ending the song. They wait for a few seconds to wait for a response from any of the two of them until Harry bursted out of the bed. “Time to get up!” He got up with a beaming face, making the boys squeal with happiness and leaving the room, Harry getting up and Zayn still fast asleep. “Get up.” Was Harry’s command to Zayn and he finally got up, realizing he can’t sleep anymore.

“Breakfast,” Niall stated as he handed out the plates to everyone and Liam was pouring the soup to everyone.

“We’re like the three bears, only there’s no Goldilocks.” Liam says happily as he was the only one with so much energy in the group. “We’re five bears,” Zayn snaps at Liam, giving him a death glare and Liam just sends him a smile back.

“What are we gonna do after this, Harreh?” Louis nudges Harry with his elbow and Harry almost spilled his porridge. “I don’t know, let’s just stay here,” He suggested, looking at everyone for their approval. They all nodded and Liam spoke up. “Good call mate, it’s raining out.” He patted his back, sitting at an empty space beside him.


Niall began strumming some chords to a familiar song they all knew and Liam started to sing the first few lines.

Girl I see it in your eyes                                                                                                                                         you're disappointed                                                                                                                                        Cuz I’m the foolish one                                                                                                                                       that you anointed with your heart,                                                                                                                     I tore it apart,                                                                                                                                                     And girl what a mess I did                                                                                                                           Upon your innocence,                                                                                                                                       No woman in the world deserves it,                                                                                                            But here I am asking you for one more chance

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