39. Missing

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Time begins to run fast as Zayn, as well as the rest of the boys with Paul and Lou run to the said bathroom. The door flew open but she wasn’t in sight. Zayn begins to shake, Liam’s eyes start to moist, Louis’ breathing starts to get heavy, and Niall and Harry fail to tell themselves that she is missing. Kathryn is missing.

“Where did you find her?” Zayn asks the boy, and he trembles, speaking. “There, I saw the blood there and I opened the door, noticed the girl was Kathryn,” They didn’t know the boy, but the boy knew them. “She’s rushed to the hospital by now,” A janitress states, barely anyone noticed her until she spoke up.

We need to go there, now! Everyone thinks of the exact same thing. It’s their responsibility that Kathryn will be alright. But the odds may be against them, and they’re not sure of anything.

They practically ran all the way to the main entrance when  a man of a towering physique stops them.

“Boys, you can’t just leave the show,” Paul knew it was urgent that they had to rush to Kathryn, but he remembered his and the boys’ duty. Zayn was fuming, he couldn’t keep himself contained, and he had to move fast. He'd want to kick Paul in the shin right now but he stops himself. 

Niall and Harry were the only ones who could think properly at the moment, they sigh. “Lou, could you go to the hospital for us? We’ll be there as soon as the show is done,” Harry tells Lou and she nods, before he follows the boys back to the studio. Lou made sure she informed the boys on Kathryn. She barely knew the girl, but she knew how important she was to the boys. She’s seen the boys change dramatically from when Kathryn wasn’t around until she came into their world.

The fifteen-minute ride seemed to stretch longer as Lou fiddled with her phone, constantly replying the boys’ message every few seconds. Are they texting while the show is going on?

The show must not be doing well. They might have seen there was something wrong with the boys, they just want to get out of that show and rush to the hospital, but they all know that wouldn’t be allowed. As much as possible, they didn’t want to make headlines with what has happened to Kathryn. As much as possible, Kathryn would like to be kept private, she’d like that idea.

Lou wiped the salty tears that have made their way to her eyes and her cheeks as the van stopped at the hospital. Doors flew open for her as she went to the reception and asked for the girl’s name. Her last name almost slipped her mind until she remembered. “Clarke, Kathryn Clarke,” She’s in the ER, but she ran like the wind to where she was, hopefully she’ll just wait outside the door, hoping results will come, the good results.


“And… five minutes ‘till we’re back on!” The bloke screams seeing that there was a few minutes left ‘till they’d leave this place. Zayn always tried to escape Paul but he was already growing impatient with the boy because he was impatient.

“You know what!? You’re never going to finish this interview! You’re wasting precious time here! You’re delaying time by being inactive and- you know what? Give me your phones and, just answer everything that’s been given to you, okay? So you all can leave and go to Kath, I didn’t want to do this either but I have to, and you have to get back in that interview.” Zayn hesitantly gave his phone as well as the other boys.

They have forgotten about the whole interview. They didn’t even answer any question asked as their minds were concentrated on their phone, texting Lou if she has already gotten there. Paul was right, they had to keep their minds occupied if they wanted to see Kathryn faster, and they’ve realized they’ve wasted too much time.

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