8. Harry Styles

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Kathryn’s POV

The cab stopped in front of an abandoned place I think I haven’t been before. The sun has finally set and the only light source as of now is that restaurant over there. I got out of the vehicle carefully not putting too much strain on my feet as Harry helped me out and paid the driver. “Come on,” I happily looped my arm around him.

We got into the restaurant and I was shocked at his choice of venue. It was so hush and there are barely any people in to dine. I actually expected more from someone like him. Isn’t he a famous popstar?

”I like this place because it gives me privacy from the limelight for once.” He explains as if he was reading my mind. He chose a place at the far end of the restaurant and Harry takes a look at the menu. You could hear a pin drop in here and it was a sort of tight sort of quiet. I didn’t know this guy until now and I didn’t know what to talk about.

“What will you have, sir?” I could feel a hint of flirting in her voice and I humorously chuckle. It was so fail. It didn’t budge Harry one bit. “Umm- a pepperoni pizza sound nice, what do you think Kath?”

His eyes meet mine for an answer and I still couldn’t hide my laughs. I could feel the waitress’ effort in getting the curly boy’s attention and I think Harry slowly realizes the scene. “It’s alright.”

“Is that all?” Her pretty face was all disoriented with that huge frown covering it.

“Apple juice for the both of us, extra large.” Was the last thing he says and she forcefully nodded and began storming off our table immediately.

“Why were you laughing?” My laugh was making him laugh, and I don’t really know where this is going.

“Haven’t you seen that waitress? She wanted to flirt with you but you didn’t seem to notice.”

“Oh that, I get that a lot; I’m not in the mood to flirt or something right now.” He smirked.

“So Kath,” I turn to face him and our eyes meet. “What do you want to talk about?” Actually, nothing came up my head. I didn’t actually feel like I’m sitting before a popstar, nothing of that matter. I should be hyperventilating right now, but I just don’t see myself doing that sort of thing. He doesn’t make me feel like he is a famous person. You could tell he’s an ordinary lad by the way he dresses up -casually simple- and the way he’s so down-to-earth is very rare with celebrities as of what I know.

“Well then, I want to get to know you. This is a day with me anyway; let’s not waste the good day.” His smile was so welcoming. I couldn’t stop staring at it; he’s got this natural charm in him that no teenage girl could resist.

“Alright then, I want to know you too. I guess that’s the thing I’d get since I honestly do not know you. I’ve actually only known you today.” His smile grows wider and I reciprocate his action.

“Alright then, how old are you?”

“Seventeen,” I reply immediately. “Me too!” He shrieks like he has found someone of his own being, his own age. So happy, Harry? His noise was so loud it echoed in the whole restaurant and it seemed like it was the only noise in the restaurant.

It was my turn to ask. “So, you’re from a famous boyband, am I right?” He nods instantly.

“How were you formed?” I felt like an interviewer or something. Truth be told, I really was interested by their way to stardom, even though I haven’t heard of them before.

“Wow, when Joanne said you don’t know me or the band, she was damn true.” He grinned a playful grin and I nod, guilty as charged.

“If you really wanna know, it was in X Factor. We were formed as a band there. Just finished a few months ago and we’re already making our first album, could you believe it?!” What a thankful boy he is. Has he taken some drugs or something? He’s quite hype. Or maybe it’s just because he loves his job and couldn’t believe it himself. His look was priceless. I almost forgot that I have these pains in my body.

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