13. Good Morning

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Kathryn’s POV

What time is it? I feel like it’s around nine in the morning, I guess. I open my eyes, doing a few moans here and there, getting comfortable in bed; I wasn’t ready to get up just yet. I seemed to have a really deep sleep last night, knowing I was cradling in Zayn’s scent from his onesie and the smell never disappeared.

I twist and turned in bed, making small stretches until I faced upwards the ceiling. I could’ve sworn I hear mumbling and hush noises; maybe it was only in my head. I flutter my eyes open to see three figures, namely Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

“Good morning,” I mumble under my breath, doing a few more stretches in bed before sitting up straight.

“How was your sleep?”

“Good, snuggled in Zayn’s scent was amazing, now I know why fans swoon over you guys, you should make a perfume.” I chuckle at myself and so did the boys, especially Zayn.

“Ready for breakfast?” Liam gestures his hand for the open door and from here I could already smell the tasty aroma of bacon and eggs, as usual.

“I was expecting something like breakfast in bed, but this will do,” I smiled a toothy smile and got out of bed. Zayn then held his arm out for me to loop into.

“Is this a special occasion or something?” I asked Liam and Niall behind me and both boys shook their head a no with suspicious grins painted on their faces.

And as I expected and to no surprise, bacon and eggs were laid on the table. “Where are Harry and Louis?”Was my first question, I was never really used to not all five together in one room, I’m used to five and not having everyone feels empty in the flat.

“They’re taking a bath,” I think I heard it wrong.

“Together?” My jaw dropped, and I could see Niall was amused of my reaction. It seemed like they are used to this kind of reaction with the boys.

“That’s weird.” I mumble to myself, still absorbing the thought. Just thinking of the scene of those two boys… oh never mind!

“That’s them,” Liam whispers in my ear and still, I’m shocked. These boys are so full of surprises.

And speaking of surprises, as I sat on a chair, immediately Zayn were putting the food on my plate like he was my servant. He doesn’t need to do this.

“No, y-you don’t need to do this-“ I try to stop him by grabbing Zayn’s wrist and when I’m almost there, he turns his head to face me.

“Don’t- even question.” Zayn puts a finger on my lips and I ceased eyes wide open. There’s absolutely no questioning with these boys. They do what they want to do. “Alright then,” And with that, I sat in my seat and waited for him to finish while Liam and Niall were already eating. I was simply smiling at Zayn at how a gentleman he is.

I was now eating happily and talking casually with the boys until Harry and Louis came out of the bathroom, both laughing about something they’ve conversed in there. “Had fun?” I tilted my head to the side, I never knew under those clothes they can be as fit as that. I could see Harry was some tattoos, just little ones. I never noticed them. And his curls, it actually took me a few seconds to realize it was Harry, I was so used to him having his curls. Trademarks.

“Yup,” Harry grinned along with Louis though his smile somewhat disappeared a little and he turned to Harry. “Good then,” The two then went to Liam’s room to go dress up. It seemed like everyone had some of their clothes in each other’s flat.

Wow, are they really like this? Taking long baths together?

“After this, I want us to spend the day together!” Zayn exclaimed as soon as he finished chewing, as to not spit anything on me. “What? Why?”

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