11. Conversations

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Kathryn’s POV

I opened my eyes. I feel something awkwardly unexplainable, why was I always smiling? Maybe I was happy? No shit Sherlock. You’ll never know. I’m actually not sure about myself these days. Sometimes I feel things that... I couldn't really explain, yeah I was happy, no doubt about it, but why am I hapy this way? I hate things unexplainable.

I immediately checked my phone for Harry’s message to me from last night but that’s not all I received, a lot of messages actually.

From: Harry

Goodnight and sweet dreams xx

This was from last night that I didn't bother to read because I was already sound asleep/ I couldn’t help but smile. Is there something wrong with me? I’m not sure if it’s even possible if I smile wider than usual.

Next I opened the remaining messages I don’t know who sent me.

From: Unknown

Good morning love Harry told me you’re coming over so I’m bringing extra food :)xx –Niall

From: Unknown

Good morning Kath see you later! –Liam

From: Unknown

A new day a new beginning.

Good morning to Kathryn, I’ll see you later, yeah? Xx

Have a nice day to everyone else!


I save all of ther phone numbers after I read each of them.

From: Unknown

Gooooooooood Mooooooooooooorning! Imma see you later! :D xx


From: Harry

Sorry if I gave your number to them, they wanted it badly. Anyways, good morning x

I guess I’ve had my extra heavy dose of morning greetings. I chuckle at each of the boys’ texts and realized the time. I had to get ready, another unexpected day with my friends was drawing near.

So, this'll be my last day with them I guess? Or with Harry, and the boys. Harry did technically say that we've got to spend one day, twenty-four hours with them because that's what the contest said. 

I finished with my bath and dried my hair. I set out my clothes, a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, simple. I didn’t want any of the boys to see my scars and bruises on my knees. It won’t be that evident that way. I wore just my slippers so it won’t be that hard if ever I feel that unbearable stingy feeling again. I let my hair down and grab all my things, my phone and the keys to the house. As I went out and locked the door to the house, I turned and saw something unexpected, coming from my friends now, everything wasn’t going to be normal. The boys were waiting for me.

“We’ve waited forever!” Louis huffed grouchy. “Well, sorry! I had to read all of your messages!” I huffed back and I laughed at my own impression, walking towards the boys. Harry went to my side and whispered in my ear.

“I’m going to get my driver’s license, can you be alright with the boys or you can come with me?” I turned to face him. He was going to get his license. I gave him a nod and Harry lets out a smile. “Louis will drive me, you three go hang out with her or something!” Harry said before he got in the car with Louis.

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