7. Farewell & Winning

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Kathryn’s POV

“Where are you Tina? Call me back,” That must’ve been the tenth time that I’ve voice mailed Tina. Classes ended thirty minutes ago and we both decided to meet with each other as usual. Where could she be? I paced back and forth in front of the school. It’s getting quite dizzy now.

Suddenly my phone began to buzz in my pocket and I jumped at the vibration. I snatched the phone from my pocket and answered the call hopefully it’s from Tina.

“Hey! Where are you? I’ve been waiting forever! Where are you?” I ranted through the phone and Tina seemed awfully quiet. Maybe this isn’t Tina at all and I’m just talking to no one in particular. I still don’t hear anything from the other end of the line.

“Hello?” I ask if ever there is someone and still the other end was quiet until I hear a faint sound. Like someone was hiccupping or something, other sounds were constant fits of indefinite cries.

“Tina? Are you okay?” I ask, not particularly asking for a response but who knows.

“Yeah, I’m alright. And Kath, get your I.D. in my locker, it’s there. You’ll probably need it if you win.” She added faint chuckles, though it was stupidly unconvincing. Win? I thought we’re going to share the prize, not only me.

“Tina, why are you crying?” She doesn’t reply at the question, but she stays quiet for a few seconds until she speaks again. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you earlier than this,” She bursts into hiccups again.

What the hell? “What are you saying?”

“I’m moving.” I never knew just two words could tear you apart like it did to me now. It ached; it made me feel like I was about to crash and burn. But I didn’t know the whole story. Why was she moving?

“What do you mean you’re moving? Moving where?” I was almost at the verge of tears but I keep my tears at bay. I don’t want her to go. Please don’t let her do this, tell me this is just a joke. That it’s all just a dream. Tina is all that I have.

“California.” California?

“California? That’s like a million miles away! Don’t leave me! Ouch!” I cringed as my feet felt a sharp needle-like pain.

“Are you alright there?” She asked and I sat myself on the grass and took of my trainers. The sole of my feet were lightly bleeding because of all those scars again. Those memories still haunted me and these are just of the many reminders.

“I am, but you moving to California ? No! Just no!” I cry to her, half because of Tina and half because of the pain I let the blood ooze out of the base of my feet as I try to endure the pain. “I’m so sorry, but I have to. My mum is getting married to a lad there, and I don’t even like him. If I could stay, I would. But my mum just won’t let me. I’m going to miss you.” She whispered the last statement. My tears were hard to stop. It felt like someone was going to die and that you’ll never get to see them ever again.

“Me too,” She smiles a crooked smile and somehow I felt Tina smile too. I don't want to be left alone. She's all I've got of a best friend in school, how do I live without her here?

“Just make sure you win that contest for me, okay?” We both struggle to give just a small cackle. The least I could do is this now. This will the last reminder of her to me. “I can’t promise you anything, but if I did, I’ll mention you. This is for you.” The tears starting flowing out again.

“I have to go.” She says last and I suddenly grew more depressed. I didn’t want to hung up just yet, this is the last time that I’ll ever talk to her, maybe. “Now? But I don’t want to go yet-“ And she hangs up, leaving me here with my hurting feet and heavy thoughts.

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