27. Sheila

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Kathryn’s POV

The travel to school was cut half the usual time because I am riding the bike Liam gave to me yesterday. I can’t believe I almost forgot about this and I am thankful and at the same time not thankful for its sudden arrival. I was planning on only walking the slowest pace so I could be an hour late or even half the day. The tension of my reception when I get there could be traumatizing, and you know how judgmental people can be, especially in high school.

I was thankful enough that there is traffic at this time, at least something good has happened and I am pretty sure the next few hours would go much different.

As I arrived school, I park my bike on the racks along with the other bikes and I could see that Maxene has parked her car on her designated parking space. Bumping into her in the halls could be hell so I rather not try to. I mentally roll my eyes at her car as I walk through the doors. You get many things when you're rich, ey?

It was a quiet atmosphere, the students who still don’t have their classes are getting their books in their lockers but other than that, everything is sound.

I get the books for the upcoming subjects later before I go to class. The thought of Maxene being in the same class makes me grit my teeth aggressively.

I seriously wish Tina was here. She knows how to sass fucking Maxene off.

I peep through the small window on the door and I could see my chair being empty and Maxene being in the front. I look at the time and it is only a few minutes before this subject ends.

I remember Tina being beside me and now it is Charlotte who is occupying it.

The irritating ring of the bell stuns me and by the minute, students are filing out of every room in the hall.

 I conceal myself in the crowd, afraid Maxene will come and get me, but it was to no avail, not that Maxene has spotted me easily, but the crowd blew my cover. I used to be good at hiding, what happened?

“Kathryn is here!” I overheard someone state and I mentally curse him. When I look around to find Max, she is already staring at me with an eyebrow lifted. She is smiling mischievously and the thought of what she is about to do next is haunting me. Wait, why should be scared of her?

“Kath! So nice of you to have some dignity to come back here.” She walks past everyone to me and I want to get out but there is nowhere to run to, she has already spotted me.

“So good your nose has stopped bleeding, I think it was much better with it to be honest.” I try my best to hide my fear and I see that it has hit her, she is now clenching her teeth but she tries to hide it not to look affected.

“Oh really?”

“I’ve heard something, it seemed like you were on the news this morning, in the internet as well, and you’re famous overnight!” The tone in her voice contrasts what she actually feels and I just want to kill her right now.

Just when I am too exposed to answer, my stomach churns and my feet hurt again. It’s been a while but I have never missed the feeling.

“What’s the matter? Tongue-tied? Just because you are with the One Direction, doesn’t mean you are already famous. It can only mean that you are a gold-digger, or a whore, or both is-“

“Shut the fuck up Maxene.” I can’t stand anything longer, I only walk away from her but I know she would never put down a fight. I was about to hurl and it makes me nauseous.

Just as I expected when I turned my head, she is about to smack me in the face but impulses make me hold her wrist before it could even touch my skin.

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