36. Trip

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Kathryn’s POV

My eyes are glued to this girl on the other side of the mirror. Is this really me? It’s been quite a while since I last saw myself, stopped and thought about myself for a brief moment, reminiscing all that’s happened to me since the very start.

Where do I even start? One minute I was unsure of my feelings with Louis because I was already with Zayn, but we weren’t officially together. The next minute, I was finally and brutally torn between these two blokes, and boy was that such a hard time.

But look at me now. I couldn’t even describe how happy I am. I didn’t know everything would turn out this great. Zayn was the lucky man and for Louis, he hasn’t lost at all. He’s still here, we’re still the same, and I haven’t lost him the same way he still hasn’t lost me.

I feel absolutely great.

Are my thighs that thin? I look down to the skirt I’m wearing and I’m pretty sure, I could notice the thigh gap very easily. Are these even my legs? They look pretty much like sticks. Maybe I’ve lost weight, I just didn’t know it. I was never really fat, but never mind.

I hear a knock on the door and by the rhythm of the knock, I knew it was Louis. “Are you ready?” Then I realized that I’m not even done yet. My hair needed more blow dry, my makeup wasn’t fully done, and I haven’t put on my earrings yet. “Uhm- almost done,” I start to do everything at full-speed, careful that I do the makeup wrong while I sit behind the fan, letting my hair dry off. Lastly, I put the earrings that Lou had lent me.

I take one last look of myself before going out. I seriously don’t know myself physically. I didn’t know I had blonde hair, I’ve always thought it was dirty blonde or brown, I don’t know and I don’t care.

“Where’s Lou?” I ask but his eyes weren’t on mine, it was on every other part of my body, eyeing me head to toe. “You look amazing, you know, the kind of watching a live show outfit kind of amazing,” He smiles, not even answering the question and I sense him stuttering, afraid that maybe he might go off-hand with the compliments, he’s watching his words as well as his actions now.

“Right, thanks. But where’s Lou?” He snaps out of his thoughts, then blushes. Aw, it’s so cute when Louis blushes. “She’s on her way and dropping off Lux here with Harry,” We then hear a knock of the door, surely, it was Lou and her daughter. We both walk to the door and open it to see a blooming Lou Teasdale, carrying a baby Lux. “Hey,”

“Hi,” We both greet her, getting out of her way as she enters, placing Lux on the couch as she finds Harry. Lou finds him in the kitchen with Niall and once he saw her face, he immediately dropped everything he was doing and went directly to Lux. “Goodbye,” He says to us three once he has the baby. He surely wants us to go, like, immediately.

“Take care of her,”

“With all my life,”


The X Factor studio is huge, and I mean huge. I see Simon Cowell and I’m already freaking out. This is one of those star struck moments when a celebrity is this close to you, excluding One Direction though, they’re not celebrities, they’re my friends. Oh, and there’s Louis Walsh too.

They’re taking a break at the moment, and Simon was having a conversation with Louis over by the judges table. Very quiet around my place, dancers running from one side to the other, rushing while one of them just seated beside me. “Hey,”

“Hi,” She says. She’s very beautiful, a brunette with long, curly hair. I grab for my bottled water that’s almost running out, better finish it. “You’re Louis’ girlfriend?” I almost choke on the water, the water reaching my nose, it was embarrassing. Surely, she was laughing at me. “So, it’s a no then?” I nod hysterically and she hands me a tissue to dry my lips and nose, it still hurts by the way.

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