34. She's Back

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Kathryn’s POV

School is dismissed and I head off to a different direction on the way home. Well, I would like to call it home too. I haven’t been there for what seemed like forever and going back there feels like reliving the happy memories we all once had.

Are they even home? Maybe they’re not. But I can wait until they do. But how would I know that all of them will be there? Maybe since I’ve been gone for quite some time, they already gave up asking for another chance but the truth is I just needed time and I know how much they need me as I need them back.

The nostalgic feeling of going back to this lobby makes my stomach churn. It hurts, all their noise seemed to go back at that certain time, when everyone was here and finding me and I couldn’t take the overwhelming paparazzi. It seemed like only yesterday it happened and the memories were still fresh as the wounds.

I want to make my turn of amends ever since Zayn did his first.

He said it on national and international television. He did what he promised, he undid his announcement and told everyone that Zayn and I weren’t together, we were merely close friends, he didn’t tell them we had mutual feelings for each other and since the announcement, my life had been a relief, I never bothered looking up on Twitter because I don’t have any, and I don’t want to see any comments –positive or negative- from their fans. I don’t want to make myself significant to those people just because of one news.

He called me up after but I didn’t get to answer as I was in class. But he did text me and I didn’t want to reply to that either.

The next day after his announcement, the news speculated in school and I was in the center of attention, yet again. Can they just accept the fact that I don’t care. Please, they can talk about me behind my back –I actually allow them- but don’t put me the center of attention so much that I will be in the school newspaper the next issue.

As usual, Maxene didn’t forget to shove the news on my face. Can I just move to another school?  But I couldn’t afford it and it’s almost the end of the school year, and on my senior year so I guess it’s a bad time. I’ll have to try and survive my last year with Max.

I’m here now, before the door. Only a piece of wood separating us from reuniting again after all those days.

They’re not around. The lights were dim. How did I open the door you may ask? They had a key under the mat, typical. Am I allowed to stay here and wait for them to get back? If ever they do?


“Hey,” I am poked in the stomach and I flinch. It felt like it hurt so much more than the contact. I remember I’m not in my own place so I jump up and my head hit the person’s head. “Ouch,” I rub my temples, not only do I have a hurting stomach, I also have a painful headache.

“I’m sorry, are you hurt?” I recognize the voice anywhere.  “I’m fine. What are you doing here?” I ask him, the same kind eyes I’ve always known to love. “I’m getting something for Zayn. The question should be, what are you doing here?”

“I didn’t know only you would come, I tried to wait for all of you. I want to come back,” When I said those words, the smile on his face is inevitable; it makes me smile as well.

“Well, bad timing for that, after this we’re headed for another radio interview, and their already on their way. I just have to get Zayn his lucky comb and-“

“Lucky comb?” I say with a laugh but trying to hide it isn’t happening. I bet he gets laughing at the lucky comb a lot. “Yeah,”

“Can I come with?” I now ask and the look on his face turned to a slight frown, this isn’t good. “The papz would see you in public and since Zayn’s announcement as still fresh, you going out with us isn’t good. But you can stay here until we get back in two hours or more. We’ll text you.” He says with a friendly grin. I nod and I understand.

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