First Sighting

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It was a warm night, the moon shined brightly over the roof tops. Four dark figures leaped across the roofs, silent, stealthy. I wonder who they could be?

You eagerly place your popcorn down, ready to watch Tmnt all night. You loved the show, and you didn't care if your friends teased you about being obsessed.

You were about to sit down when you heard something on your roof, being in the top floor. You didn't want your internet to go out, again, so you went up to check.
You climbed the fire escape (or scaled the wall, which ever you prefer) and looked around the roof, checking the internet first. You came to the very edge of the roof and gasped.
On the next building was four shapes, masked by the night. But that wasn't what made you gasp.
You saw their eyes.

Dark blue

Brownish red

Electric green


Baby blue

'No flipping way! No flippin' chicken way!' You thought, still staring at them. Something was off. They flickered from being whole, to barely a shadow. They didn't see you yet, so you slipped away, still not sure of what you just saw.
You stood in your room before dashing to your binoculars, only to find that they were gone. You sighed, and sat, munching on some popcorn.
'If only it were true.' You sighed again, momentarily forgetting about your show. Your phone pinged and you saw an author updated a fanfic from Wattpad. You smiled and turned off your phone, turned on the tv, and watched your show once more.

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