Little turtles

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It had been two weeks since you'd got back, and you were finally feeling relaxed, watching a movie with the girls while the turtles went on patrol, saying something about Kraang

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It had been two weeks since you'd got back, and you were finally feeling relaxed, watching a movie with the girls while the turtles went on patrol, saying something about Kraang. Splinter had gone out a while ago, not saying why or where, and you were getting a little worried. Suddenly, Splinter burst in, carrying a large bundle in his arms. The two girls that had been asleep immediately awoke, only for Splinter to shush them and hand four smaller bundles to you all from the large one. 

You cautiously opened yours to see.. baby Leo.

He was so small, curled up in a little ball and gripping his bandanna straps, sleeping. 

"Splinter!" You whisper yell to him, but he put up a paw and shook his head, then disappeared to his room. You look back down at tiny Leo to see his eyes flutter open, and reveal his sapphire blue orbs. 

"Um, hi Leo." You begin, looking down at him curiously. He looks up at you and tilts his head, seeming confused at how he ended up on a young ladies lap. 
"Do-do you remember me? Y/n?"

Leo grabs your arms and stands slowly, trying to find footing. He takes a step forward and grabs a lock of your hair, not pulling it like you expected. Instead he studies it, running his little green fingers through it. Then he places his small hands on your cheeks and smiles, showing no teeth.
You laugh, and he giggles, then falls backward, about to tumble off your lap had you not caught him.

"Leo, you gotta be more careful!" You scold, setting him on the ground. 

"Ca-careful!" He exclaims with a tiny voice. He turns and looks at you, smiling. He points a finger at himself, "Leo," then claps his hands and grabs the end of your jeans, tugging slightly. "Up!" 

"Ok ok." You stand and let Leo pull you to where he wished. You end up in the kitchen. 

"Snack?" He pleads, leaning against you. You giggle and get some ramen noodles started. Leo stands next to you, barely reaching your knees, and tugs on your jeans. You look down to see him stretching his arms up to you. 

"Up, please!" He chirps, and you smile, bending down to pick him up. Placing him on your hip, you put the dry noodles in the boiling water and stir while Leo waits patiently, finding your hair makes as a good distraction. When you put him down in his seat and the bowl of ramen in front of him, he stares at you. 

"What?" You ask. 

"Pretty!" Leo suddenly shouts at you. You blush and eat your half of the ramen, then put the dishes in the sink for later. You turn around and see Leo has run off, and you run after him. You find him holding a movie, and seeing you, he walks over and holds it up for you. 

"Space Heroes!" Leo cheers, and you roll your eyes and put in the movie. When its over, you notice Leo fell asleep, curled up against you. You put him to bed, slowly falling asleep beside him. 


The next morning, you woke up to see the same blue eyes, only bigger and older. Leo was back to normal, and playing with a lock of your hair. 

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