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You were sitting in a bean bag chair at night, reading in your new apartment. It was really quiet, the stars and the moon where hiding behind dark clouds.

You turned the last page of your book and yawned, checking the time.
9:37 Pm
You closed your now finished book and stood to get ready for bed. You shuffled to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, emptied your bladder, then went to bed.
You were sleeping soundly when some idiot crashed into your room. You shot up out of bed and faced the noise maker.
He had a skull hockey mask and a hokey stick.

"Casey Jones?"

"The one and only!" He said. You could practically hear him smirking.

"Why'd you crash into my room?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh I don't know... trespassing, replacement part bills, being slapped in the face for breaking my window, and tons more." You reply.

He gulps and stands, brushing off dust and rubble.

"So, will you be leaving by stairs, or.." You look behind him. "From the way you came?"

"Stairs please." You point to the stairs and he runs out, leaving you with a big mess to clean up.

You sweep and mop, then hang a heavy rug in front of the giant hole on your wall.
You were just about to get back in bed when some one crashed in your home again, thru the same hole.

"JONES!" You scream, turning around.

What you find is not Casey Jones, but Foot ninja, armed and ready to fight.
"Oh crud." You say, and run off.

Down the stairs and outside, where you stop for a millisecond to rest, when YOUR APARTMENT EXPLODES!! You scream, and the only thing you can think of doing is scrambling to the nearest manhole, which you did. Finding one in an alleyway, you pull the cover back slowly, since its mega heavy. Once you're engulfed in complete darkness you travel to the sewers, only wearing fuzzy f/c pj pants and a f/c t-shirt.

You sniff and let a few tears roll down your cheeks. All of your hand drawn pictures were in that apartment, years of your passion, just gone.
You walk into the Lair and see Leo on the couch. You walk over and he looks at you.

"Y/n? What are you doing down here so late- what's wrong, why are you crying?" He says, rushing to give you a hug. You cry into his plastron while he rubs your back.

"F-f-foot n-n-ninja... de-d-destroyed m-m-my h-h-home." You sob.
Leo's eyes widen. He picks you up and carries you to his bed.
"You stay here, I need to grab something. Go ahead and sleep if you want, ok?" You nod and he drapes a blanket over you.
You soon fall asleep peacefully, partly because the blanket smells like Leo.
Leo goes and grabs another blanket, knowing it will be very cold tonight.
He enters his room again to see your jaw chattering, and places the blanket over you. Your jaw slows to a stop, but your body still vibrates. Leo sighs and crawls under the blanket, and you stop shivering completely.

You quietly walk to the Lab, hearing Donnie molding metal with metal.
Your feet barely made a sound as you stood in the doorway. You watched as Don put the finishing touches on his project, blocking out any other noise, with his tongue sticking out. You smiled slightly and wiped a tear from your cheek, turning to leave. You were stopped by a gentle but firm hand grabbing your arm.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? Why are you in your pajamas?" He whispers.
You turn and let him see your red sad eyes, and he pulls you in a hug, placing his chin in your hair.
"What happened?"

"M-m-my a-a-apartment e-ex-exploded." You sobbed.

Donnie gasped and picked you up. He carries you to his bed and pulls back the blankets, then sets you down and tucks you in.

"Its ok, you'll sleep here tonight."

"W-wh-where will you sl-sleep?" You ask, your eyelids getting heavy.

"I'll sleep on the couch-" he stops, seeing you shiver uncontrollably. "Or I could stay here, if you want." You nod, and Donnie grabs another blanket, laying on the blanket your under and draping the new one over him and you. You stop shivering and fall asleep, a faint smile gracing your lips.

You walk into the dojo, only to find it empty. You rub your arms and walk out, only to be knocked down by a firm body.
You fall on you butt and look up to see Raph looking at you questionably.

"What the heck are you doing here?" He growls, giving you a hand. He sees tear streaks on your cheeks.
"Why were you crying?"

"F-foot ni-ninja... a-apartment... b-b-boom." You mumble, rubbing your arms and looking at your feet.
Raphael grunts and scoops you up. You gasp in surprise and hold on to him.

"Wh-wh-where are w-w-we g-g-going?" You ask, starting to shiver.

"You need somewhere to sleep dontcha? You'll sleep in my room." You look at him, a tad surprised.

"O-o-ok." You say, your eyes glued to his.

He places you in his bed and walks around to the other side. You feel his weight dip the bed as he lays down, making you slide to his side accidentally. You tense up, and attempt to scoot to your side, but a pair of strong arms wrapping around your waist stops you.

"Your freezing." He mumbles. "You don't mind do you? I really don't want to sleep on that couch when it's this cold."

"N-n-no, i-its f-f-fine." You whisper, your eyelids slowly closing.

You both yawn as Raph nuzzles in your hair, making your face burst with red.
You fell asleep within seconds.

You run into the Lair, your vision blurred from the amount of tears streaming down your cheeks. You sniff and wipe your nose, shivering like crazy.

"Y/n?" Mikey calls from the kitchen doorway.
He sees your tears and runs to you, scooping you up in a warm hug.
"Yikes, your freezing." He says, looking at you. "Your crying. Don't cry." He says sadly, wiping them away.
You just sniff and hug him tight.

"M-M-Mikey, c-c-can I s-s-stay the n-night, p-p-please?" You whimper.

"Of course dudette! You'll sleep in my room!" He picks you up and runs to his room, holding you close.
Then he places you down gently and jumps in, snuggling close to you.

"What happened?" He whispers, hugging you.

"Foot ninja crashed into my home... I ran out, and it exploded." You mumble, starting to get sleepy.

"Well you can stay for as long as you want dudette." Mikey says, holding you close.

You both fall into a dreamless sleep on that cold night.

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