Mini Series #8: Grab Her and Run

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Grab Her and Run

I got a LOT of time on my kindle, so I'm able to update!!

I got a LOT of time on my kindle, so I'm able to update!!

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They were ready. They had to be. If not, then.. I don't know. I chug my water before walking out, past the turtles gathered at the entrance, taking the lead with Leo. The memory shards float out of my hand and whizz forward.

"Thats not supposed to happen." I whisper, then break into a mad dash, chasing after the memories with the turtles at my tail. I skid to a halt when the shard stop abruptly at a dead end, causing me confusion. The turtles didn't expect me to be standing there, and when they try to stop, they slide and crash into me.
"Ugh... wow, not even five minutes in the mission." I groan, picking myself up and pressing the hidden switch in the wall. "C'mon."

We walk in quietly, not uttering a sound as we approach the spot where we part ways. Five different paths, each leading to another room, another future, another destiny.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Gypsy? You can change your mind-"

"Donnie, from the moment I laid out the plan, I had no intention of changing my mind, and I don't expect to now. You have to get the girls. I'll hold off Shredder for as long as possible."

Leo nods, holding a hand out for me to shake, which I do.

"I am merely a shadow, but I am honored to have made your acquaintances, and possibly, your friend." I bow respectively to them, and they bow in return. "Your futures are bright. I know."

Then we part ways. Leo goes left. Donnie goes right. Raph goes forward. Mikey goes behind me. I, go up.


Leo finds the same door of L/g's cell, and enters cautiously. Peeking in, he finds nothing. No one holds this cell anymore. Looking around, he suddenly smells something sweet and fragrant, and follows the scent, partly confused. Leonardo comes to a window, wide open with the curtain billowing in the strong draft. Climbing out to the roof, which is flat, there lies L/g, crumpled on the ground with her scarred shell to him. Her katana blades are about a foot away from her, but Leo is still alert. Coming closer, he understands that L/g's hair was emitting the sweet scent.

"L/g, are you ok?"

Slowly, she turns her head and glares at him. "Fool. You are an absolute idiot if you think I'm worth saving. She's gone! The one you loved.." She pauses, tears dripping to the cement, "has been muffled, smothered. Her flame, extinguished. Leave now, while Shredder knows not of your presence."

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