It's That Time

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You woke up one morning, yawned and stretched, then froze, feeling something wet between your thighs. You throw off your sheets and see the dreaded red spot on the bed. You groan and dash to the bathroom and do your thing, then get dressed in your lazy day clothes. Oversized shirt, and sweatpants, with your hair in a messy bun. Then you take care of your mess on the bed, and go to eat. Once your done eating you stretch out on the couch and binge watch your favorite show, not in the mood for socializing with anyone at the moment.
Leo walks in and lifts your feet up, then sits down, placing your feet on his lap. You glance at him and return to your show. Leo suddenly starts to massage your feet, making your eyes flutter closed and your lips release a sigh as they curl into a smile. Leo then leans over and kisses you tenderly, then sits back up and unhands your feet. You look at him perplexed.

"Um, what was that, Babe?"

"Just something to make you feel better Sugar. Did it work?"

"Yeah, but how did you-"

"I saw you cleaning up the 'mess' and I asked Donnie about it."

"Oh.. Um Leo? Could you um.." You point at you feet, Leo chuckles and kisses you again.

"Sure thing Sugar."

You smile at him and return to your show as Leo continues to massage your feet.

You walk to the Lab, excited to experiment with Donnie, until you feel a wetness, down there.
You run to the bathroom and check.
'Oh great.' You think, changing your pants and setting yourself up.
Then you ran to the Lab and pretended like nothing happened in the last three minutes.

"Hey Baby Doll, what took you?"

"I needed the bathroom."
'Cause my pants looked like a bloody murder scene!'

"Oh, well c'mon, I saved the best part for you!"

You smile and walk over to look, when a extremely painful cramp overtook you by surprise. You wince in pain and fall to your knees.

"Y/n, what's wrong!" Donnie cries, picking you up like a princess. You just whimper and slowly pull out a pad/tampon out of your back pocket for him to see. He 'oh's and sits down with you on his lap, gives you little kisses, and rubs your tummy.

"Thanks Donnie.. I'm feeling much better now."

He chuckles and kisses your nose.
"Anything for my Baby Doll."

You wake up in the middle of the night feeling uncomfortable, and icky in that area. You throw off your covers and tiptoe to the bathroom to confirm your suspicions.
You sigh as you rip open the package, becoming self conscious of the noise it's emitting. You rush thru the process and run/tiptoe back to bed and lay down slowly, finding the right position so you won't leak.
You close your eyes and slowly drift to sleep when arms wrap around your waist, making you shoot your eyelids open.

"Where did you go Sweetheart?" Raph whispers, seeming half asleep.

"Bathroom. My Aunt Flo is visiting."

"What!?" He says, sitting straight up. "How did your Aunt Flo get in!?"

You sigh and sit up too. "Its an expression Raph. I'm going through a time of the month were I bleed from my, lower parts and get cramps."

He stares at you for a second before replying. "And that's normal for you?!"

"Yes Raph." You sigh again, laying back down. "Now can we sleep? I'm really tired."

Raph grumbled something and laid down. He turns to you, and replays what you said before.
"Y/n, Sweetheart? How much pain are you in?"

You yawn and turn on your other side to face him.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, 8 3/4."
Raph looks at you and sees your not joking, then pulls you close and kisses your head. You snuggle up to him and finally fall asleep.

You watched Mikey training when your arch nemesis visits you. You slowly stood and casually walked out of the dojo before bolting for the bathroom. You emitted a low growl as you ripped open the packaging.
Soon you emerged from the bathroom and run to Mikey's room for some isolation.
You face planted on the bed and groaned as the cramps came.
And slowly..
Mikey came in as you curled up into a tight ball and groaned again. He slowly backed out and ran to the Lab.

"Donnie... are you here?"

"Yes Mikey?"

"Y/n is curled up in a ball on my bed, and she sounds like she's in pain."

"O-oh.. that's pretty bad.." He rushes over to the drawer and pulls out a dark red file, and hands it to him. Donnie watches as Mikey's expression changes from confused, to disgusted, to surprised, and then to worried.

"I've gotta go, thanks Don." Mikey throws the file to the table and rushes out.

Mikey runs to the kitchen and pulls out the ingredients for pizza. He stirs and mixes, tosses and spreads, then places it in the oven. Then he grabs all the chocolate in the Lair and puts it in a large bowl, and plates the pizza. Then he runs up to his room and knocks on the door, food in hand.
"Gumdrop? Can I come in?"

"Y-yeah.." He hears you whisper. He enters and sees you sitting crisscross on the bed with tear stained cheeks. He puts the food down and rushes over to you.

"Oh Gumdrop, were you crying?" He whispers, kissing your cheeks softly. "I made you some food." He holds your favorite pizza and bowl of chocolate to you, which you take happily.

"You're the best Gummy bear." You smile, giving him a kiss. Then you double over in pain as a cramp hits you. Mikey pulls you to his lap and rock you back and forth as you hold your stomach.

When the pain is bearable you grab a piece of chocolate and place it into your mouth. You let it melt in your mouth and lean on his plastron.

"Thanks Mikester."

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