He/You get embarrassed

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You were training with Leo, he was showing you the proper stance.

"Now bend that knee, good, tight fists, keep your guard up."

You did as told, and Leo gave you an approving nod.

"Now we'll spar, see how you do."

You got in stance and faced Leo with a serious expression.
He lunged forward and you stepped to the side, making him tackle air instead. You gave him a leg sweep and he fell on his plastron.
You then sat on his shell crisscross and giggled.

"You let me do that didn't you?" You asked, poking his head. He chucked and flipped over so he was on top of you. He sat up and looked at you.

"Maybe." He poked your nose. You rolled your eyes and propped yourself up with your hands, and Leo stood up. You grabbed his outstretched hand and stood yourself when Leo slipped on a pair of nunchucks, falling on his shell and bringing you with him. You landed on his plastron just a few centimeters from his face. You both turned red at the proximity.

"Uh, umm.. whoops." He mutters, gulping.

You scramble to stand, but trip on another pair of nunchucks and fall back on top of him, this time your noses were touching.

"Well, this is awkward." You say, feeling your face burning.

You carefully stand and help Leo up, leaving in silence.

You were training with Donnie, learning how to use a bo staff.

"Y/n, space your hands out a little more."

You spread them to the edge of the cloth wrapped around it.

"Like this?"

Donnie smiled. "Yeah, now do what I showed you, slowly."

You brought the staff back, then over your head, gripping it from above, then striked with a whoosh of air.

"Good, but you don't grab it there," Don said, placing your hands in the correct position. "You grab it here, then strike."

You nodded and tried again before taking a break.

In the kitchen Donnie was getting a drink when you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his neck loosely, making his face blush a very dark shade of red. Luckily you didn't see.

"Thanks for teaching me Don, it was fun." You giggle, then go to watch tv with the others.

Donnie grinned and went to watch tv with you.

Raph was in the kitchen feeding Spike, and talking about you.

"She's so pretty, her hair looks so soft, and her smile is beautiful, and her voice-"

"Hey Raph?" You asked, walking in. You looked to see Raph leaning over the counter with Spike chewing on the ends of his bandanna. "Aww, hi Spike." You waved, smiling.

Raph glances at Spike and you, and waves while smiling sheepishly.

"H-hi Y/n, did you hear anything?"

"No, why?"

"Oh, no reason. What'd ya need?"

"I wanted to know what you wanted on the pizza."

"Anything but jellybeans!"

"Ok, noted," you giggle, "thanks Raph."

"No prob."
Once you were out he let out a breath and looked at Spike.
"Wow, that was close, chew on your leaf if that was close, Spike."

Spike chewed on his leaf.

You were eating pizza with Mikey, watching tv. You both were a giggling mess.
Mikey watched as you bit down on your pizza, letting some grease dribble down your chin.

"Um, Y/n, you've got some.." He pointed to his chin and you licked your lips, grabbing a napkin.

"Thanks Mikester." You giggle.

Mikey's cheeks grow red, and he stands up.

"I'll be right back, I gotta talk to Donnie about something."

He then ran to the Lab where Don was.


"My cheeks are getting really warm!" He said, pointing to his face.

"Your blushing. Here. I didn't expect you to need it so quick." He mutters handing Mikey another folder. Mikey reads it quickly, then hands it back to Donnie.

"You all clear?" Donnatello asks. Mikey nodded and returned to the tv.

'Having a crush is hard.' He thought.

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